ホテルサニー Hotel Sunny i Arakawa-ku

Japanホテルサニー Hotel Sunny



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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2 Chome-19-4 Nishinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tōkyō-to 116-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3807-3200
internet side: www.hotelsunny.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.728395, Longitude: 139.771257

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jim K


    Excellent service, nice rooms, and the location is perfect. The back entrance on floor 2.5 leads right to the KEISEI station at Nippori. We could hear the train station from our room, but we got used to it, and it is right next to the station. The breakfast was very good in the restaurant on the 2nd floor. The rooms are compact, but comfortable, and the beds are great (I'm 6'2"). The only thing this hotel is missing is a rooftop seating area to watch the trains on one side or the city hustle on the other side. I would recommend this hotel to anyone flying out of Narita or planning on visiting the sites at Ueno. The staff is very nice, and the rooms are comfortable and clean.

  • julian lau

    julian lau


    Good price with the bigger room in Tokyo, just next to the Nippori JR station, it's very convenient to travel around, and a lot of good restaurant, sure I will stay there again on next trip of Tokyo.

  • Grace Bell

    Grace Bell


    A decent hotel, good location right next to the station in the main transport area. Good clean well serviced room, lots of provided amenities, including cold water bottles. Lobby smells like smoke but floors are fine. Reception staff were helpful & nice. There's a vending machine & microwave.

  • en

    Giacomo De Pietro


    Very comfortable and placed in a strategic place (it's close to the JR and the Keisei stations to reach the Narita airport and all the main areas of Tokyo). The hotel is nice and the price is reasonable. There is the free Wi-Fi and it's possible to have breakfast at the 2F of the building (the hotel is at the 3F).

  • Dear Lewiz

    Dear Lewiz


    Great Location , very close to Nippori station for JR Yamanote Line and Keisei Sky Access to Narita Airport

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