ホテル 太平洋 アネックス in Kochi

Japanホテル 太平洋 アネックス



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6030 Nagahama, Kochi, 781-0270, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 88-842-2020
webseite: www.maruwa-jp.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.4920273, Longitude: 133.5576457

kommentare 5

  • とら



    I went on a trip to Kochi and stayed there. The room we stayed in was a two-story building, with the water area on the first floor and the bedroom and toilet on the second floor. There are no hand wash facilities on the second floor, so when you go to the bathroom you have to go downstairs to wash your hands, which is very inconvenient. The TV and jet bath on the second floor were broken. The room is very clean and beautiful. I think it's inconvenient to have to go up and down steep stairs to do anything. I had a comfortable time afterwards.

  • キュア・カイシャイン



    I always use the main building. The main building is better at answering the phone and other services, but my husband is addicted to saunas and all rooms have saunas, so we use them. There are rooms with cold water baths and rooms with normal temperatures. The rooms are generally very well-cleaned and comfortable! The food is delicious (especially the dashimaki egg and pork kimchi bowl), and we are mainly used for staying here. Sometimes the toilet door and the bath door overlap, making it difficult to access due to the structure. I had a very bad experience when I used it for my wedding anniversary. The room I wanted to go to wasn't available, so I drove for about an hour and miraculously it was empty, so I thought, "\( *°ω°* )/Yatta-!!" and pressed the room button (at the entrance There is a panel that lights up an empty room, and when you press the button on the panel, an arrow indicating the route in the passageway will blink and guide you, and when you press the button, the panel of the room will immediately disappear) When you head towards it, you will see a car in the passageway leading to that room. I couldn't go into the room because of the problem. Call reception and explain. Then the reply was, ``Just because you press the button doesn't give you priority, so that person must have entered first without pressing the button.The only available room at the moment is 〇〇 (another room), so please enter there. Please.” Not just any room was fine, but even though the room was nice and I waited, and the panel was glowing, I pushed my way in (as if I could just go in any room), but I was disappointed by the cruel response. The passageways are complicated, so if you press the panel, an arrow will appear, but if you get used to it, there's no point in checking for available rooms at the entrance. I liked the hotel so much that I wanted to use it for my wedding anniversary, but I stopped going after that. I wasn't using it for fun, I was simply using it as an upward compatibility with accommodation facilities such as business hotels (with different levels of amusement for each room), so I like how each room has different added value, but it's fine as long as it's empty. It was sad for me.

  • えむ



    I stayed there the day before because it was close to Katsurahama. I think the interior matches the exterior. Is beautiful. I was disappointed that it was difficult to understand the rental items and that the selection of rental items was small...! I used room 206, but unfortunately there was no chair in the room, so please improve it for future users! After I left, I realized I had forgotten something and called her, and the woman was very polite and kind.

  • T K

    T K


    I use it 1.2 times a month. Although the rooms are clean, they feel a bit old-fashioned compared to modern hotels. However, the washrooms and baths in all rooms have been beautifully renovated and are comfortable to use. I used both of the two bedrock baths, but they weren't the "whatever" type of bedrock baths that some fashion hotels have. A full-fledged bedrock bath has been introduced, and I think it's worth going just for that. Also, no matter what you order, the food is delicious and the portions are perfect. I sincerely hope that the current quality will not drop in the future.

  • 正直者



    Room 404 was very clean and equipped with a massage chair, karaoke, and sauna.The bath had 2 types of bath salts, a bathroom TV, light switching, jet bath, 2 types of body soap, and tonic and regular shampoo. I was surprised to find shampoo, conditioner, face wash, sponges, and 2 types of towels for body washing.There were also large ashtrays on the desk and bed, tablets for your mouth, and best of all, the food was delicious!! ️ The employees were also very polite and kind. I would like to go there again.

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