Hotel Villa Fontaine Tokyo Hatchobori en Chūō-ku

JapónHotel Villa Fontaine Tokyo Hatchobori


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Japan, 〒103-0025 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Nihonbashikayabachō, 3 Chome−3−3
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5651-6660
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Latitude: 35.6779405, Longitude: 139.7777884

comentarios 5

  • en



    The hotel is very clean and the staff are incredibly nice and attentive! The location of the hotel is great and are near several quaint restaurants. The only negative part is that the rooms are pretty small. But overall great stay!

  • Heli Kristiina

    Heli Kristiina


    Near everything, just 10min walk to metro and 15min walk to Tokyo Trainstation. Nice but small rooms. Wifi is good, breakfast is bit limited. Only few soup, cereals, bread and salad and eggs and rice. Bed is hard and pillows not that good. But I would come here again because you can walk everywhere and it has good wifi and breakfast.

  • Kevin Tan

    Kevin Tan


    Compared to the typical Tokyo hotels, the rooms are slightly more spacious. The service is excellent. Case in point, when the toilet was clogged at 9 pm on Thursday night, they tried unsucceasfully to resolve the issue. Failing that, they gave us another room the same night, all the while being very apologetic about the whole thing. Excellent service.

  • Joshua Zuniga

    Joshua Zuniga


    Very friendly and English-speaking staff. Room was small, but comfortable. I would stay here again, especially as a single guest. Restroom was nice, and all amenities were provided at the front desk. Complimentary breakfast was crowded by 8 o'clock, so I would try to go early. Food was decent and had good variety.

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    Ian Levitt


    Located in a quiet area of Tokyo close to the metro. The rooms are very small but clean. Friendly helpful staff and a good selection of food at breakfast.

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