Hotel Nikko Niigata i Niigata

JapanHotel Nikko Niigata



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5-1 Bandaijima, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0078, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-240-1888
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9253807, Longitude: 139.0596899

kommentar 5

  • Bevan Oh

    Bevan Oh


    The rooms here are big, clean, and spacious. Good soundproofing, air conditioning and effective curtains that blocks out the morning sun. The hotel provides on site basement parking at JPY1000/night to counteract their not so convenient location (10min drive from JR Niigata, but very near the port to go Sado Island). However the hotel front desk were unfriendly for a 5 star hotel, they are the first hotel to have rejected my request for additional bottles of water, insisting I buy them from the hotel's shop at an inflated price. The hotel also omits certain amenities (bath salt, lotions etc) if you are not part of their membership program. Lastly, the staff speaks almost no English. Although it was endearing that they were willing to whip up Google translate, it is worth noting that their English-proficiency is almost non-existent, contrary to other hotels by Nikko.

  • Socio Tourism

    Socio Tourism


    Breakfast is not with for a payment. Better go out. Staffs don’t observe carefully to fill the food. There were three food item I wanted to eat but they didn’t. Dried fish I wanted to eat they didn’t fill as well.

  • Peter Kam Fai Cheung

    Peter Kam Fai Cheung


    From April 2-8, 2024, my family stayed here in two river-view rooms on 23/F. We had a car and the parking fee was Yen1000/night. Throughout our stay, we drove to our destinations in the central area(about 10-minute drive). We only had breakfast on our checkout date, as food choices downtown were plentiful. If we come to Niigata with a car, we might check in here again. On the day of our departure, this year’s Sakura blossoms has just begun…

  • Rob Andrews

    Rob Andrews


    Awesome hotel with amazing views over Niigata. Rooms were large and spacious, with amazing breakfast selection on offer. Would definitely stay there again.

  • 虫でんでん



    2024.01.30 Hotel Nikko is a polished hotel as it stands but this is a newer facility. I loved the airy lobby and the free observation deck. The staff were very lovely and they showed kindness to foreigners more than Japanese I believe. They spoke English too. The condition of the room and bed was very well maintained, the A/C had no odor, the bathroom was stainless and spotless. Throughout Niigata city, there were no signs of disruptions caused by earthquake or water damage. So don’t hesitate to come and spend a night here in Niigata. It’s better than Tokyo for sure.

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