Hotel Mystays Premier Akasaka in Minato-ku

JapanHotel Mystays Premier Akasaka


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Japan, 〒107-0052 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Akasaka, 2 Chome−17, 港区赤坂2丁目17−54
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6229-3280
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6702608, Longitude: 139.7385024

kommentare 5

  • Sean Paul

    Sean Paul


    Very comfortable rooms, high quality and clean. Great location in central Tokyo with tonnes of restaurants nearby. Direct access to basement seven eleven convenience store is ideal!

  • O K

    O K


    Very conveniently located hotel in an upscale neighborhood of Tokyo. Walking distance to many attractions including the popular Roppongi. Every room comes with a "handy" device with mobile internet connection, which proved to be super useful during our say. It's invaluable especially if you like planning on the fly. Rooms are of acceptable size and very clean. Overall, we had a flawless experience.

  • en

    Whod Unit


    Really good hotel for a short or long stay in Tokyo. Located in Akasaka (near the subway) you can go everywhere quickly. The neighborhood is also quite and very neat. Within a five minute walk you are in the Akasaka center with lots of cafes, restaurants and other locations to wine and dine. The hotel has a gym, really well decorated rooms and a friendly staff. It is fairly priced and we d recommend considering this hotel vlfor a stay.

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    Renea Bitunjac


    Very nice place to stay! The rooms are serviced daily and topped up with anything you may have used. Having a 7eleven directly underneath is very useful and the train station only walkable distance away. The staff are friendly and speak good English. The shower is also the best shower I have ever used!

  • en

    Johan Vester


    I really like the hotel and the area. Clean and nice stuff. The breakfast was also good (mainly Japanese food but also some more European choices such as yogurt, croissant and marmalade). Edit after my second visit: removing one star since the drinking glasses was not changed for two days. The first day I simply thought that the cleaning lady forgot it (not a big deal, those things happens). But the second day the cleaning lady actually took our used glasses and put them back at their original place like they were clean!

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