HOTEL MYSTAYS Nishi Shinjuku i Shinjuku City

JapanHOTEL MYSTAYS Nishi Shinjuku


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7-chōme-14-14 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6853-7717
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Latitude: 35.6949249, Longitude: 139.6973203

kommentar 5

  • Hasira De Silva

    Hasira De Silva


    3 stars only because of the cramped room size - Standard Twin for two adults and two kids. Beds were just about enough for all four of us, but very restricted space around the beds- single file movement and not enough room to open our large suitcase on the bedside floor. We travelled from Kyoto to this property in Tokyo and immediately noticed the significantly smaller room here vs Via Inn Prime in Kyoto. Good enough location, about 12 mins walk to Shinjuku station but a shorter 3 minute walk to Shinjuku-Nishiguchi subway, which connects you to Shinjuku station as well. Facilities were clean, in house coin operated laundry is convenient, staff was helpful, but disappointed with room size. Toilet too was small. However it's decent enough considering the cost of hotels in real estate-constrained-Tokyo, but wouldn't advise spending more time in the hotel room than you absolutely have to. Will stay again if I can book a larger room for our next visit, all of which were taken up during our stay.

  • Mazidul Hakim

    Mazidul Hakim


    Disappointing experience at the hotel . The room was cramped and overpriced for the size, leaving little space to move around comfortably. The bathroom was also tight. Breakfast was of poor quality, and the staff lacked friendliness. Overall, not worth the price paid for the subpar experience.

  • Albin Deforges

    Albin Deforges


    Despite the tiny room and expensive price, as it was Sakura time in tokyo. Location is a premium and the service was excellent. We had issue with rental car and they assisted us until we found the best solution

  • Mark Rossi

    Mark Rossi


    We enjoyed our stay here! It’s in a quiet location but still very close to so many attractions in Shinjuku. Friendly staff. No real lobby area and the breakfast was not that great. But overall good value for good hotel so close to Shinjuku station.

  • Joseph Casino

    Joseph Casino


    Fantastic hotel, one of the best options for the price. After staying here, we didn’t really understand all the negative reviews - no more than a 7min walk to central Shinjuku and the rooms are modern and spacious. In fact, we thought the quiet area was a nice break from the busy streets of Tokyo. We even received a welcome gift from the hotel staff!

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