Hotel Mets Shibuya i Shibuya-ku

JapanHotel Mets Shibuya


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Japan, 〒150-0002 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Shibuya, 3 Chome−29, 渋谷区渋谷3丁目29−17
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3409-0011
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Latitude: 35.6557812, Longitude: 139.7039339

kommentar 5

  • Dan D

    Dan D


    Rooms are small, however they don't feel cramped. Very clean, nice view, amenities are more than enough. Staff is extremely pleasant and helpful. Breakfast buffet in adjacent restaurant is above average as well. Overall great hotel, great hotel, great location(connected to Shibuya station), and great price.

  • en

    Tim Swift


    The location is very convenient sitting right on the Shibuya JR train station. Rooms are small but overall a very good stay in the middle of alot of action.

  • en

    adebowale adesanya


    Hotel Mets is home away from home. Great team, warm atmosphere, lovely reception with smiling faces.

  • en

    jing yi Heng


    Room was comfortable and of a decent size. Breakfast was better than expected, although there were no variations. Superb location of the hotel made it very accessible. Also, right opposite the ground level lift lobby of the hotel is a building with many food options. Highly recommend the 2nd floor restaurant serving japanese cuisine.

  • Anna L. Martinez

    Anna L. Martinez


    My company paid for the room so I'm not sure about the price but it was a good choice. The room was very small but comfortable. It's in a very convenient location. The only drawback I'd say is that breakfast isn't amazing but it's not bad either. Would definitely recommend.

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