Hotel Metropolitan Edmont en Chiyoda-ku

JapónHotel Metropolitan Edmont


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3丁目-10-8 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 102-8130, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3237-1111
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Latitude: 35.7008623, Longitude: 139.7491224

comentarios 5

  • Glenn Slingsby

    Glenn Slingsby


    Very nice hotel with lots of friendly staff. As with almost all hotels in Asia the only negative was the small size of the room. Would happily stay again.

  • Erica Simas

    Erica Simas


    View was great, room was clean and had all the amenities I needed. Would definitely recommend this place or stay here again!

  • Dominik Birgel

    Dominik Birgel


    We liked everything except the beds.. The rooms are big and there is a convenient store directly in the hotel. The food and shopping opportunities around the hotel were also really nice.

  • en

    wahyu rizky


    Very nice hotel, worth the money. The rooms are furnished with quality. Service is very good. I asked for extra pillows, blankets, children potty seat, and an ice pack without any hassle.

  • Kayla Sakamoto

    Kayla Sakamoto


    Great location if your new to Japan. Close to a family mart, subway station and many restaurants. The room is small, but comfy small. We got the double renovated room, very new and clean. Very nice tub for soaking, Lush stores near by to enhance your bath. The breakfast buffet is amazing and yummy. Will come back in the future!

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