Hotel Listel Shinjuku en Shinjuku City

JapónHotel Listel Shinjuku



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5-chōme-3-20 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3350-0123
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.692872, Longitude: 139.711396

comentarios 5

  • Nur Fatihah

    Nur Fatihah


    This hotel was terrible! 18deg aircon felt like 27deg! called the front desk 3x to get it fixed while we were away, still nothing done. had to go physically to counter to get it fixed and have someone look into it. upon checking out, they told us to pay 11yen for using the phone when we only contacted the front desk. even the rooms smells like cigarette smoke sometimes. terrible terrible terrible. went to 3 hotels around tokyo, probably the worst out of the 3!

  • Aliciozky



    We fell in love with Tokyo starting from this hotel. The position is in a quiet place immediately near a 7-eleven konbini and 8 minutes from Shinjuku-sanchome station by feet. Our room was nice, with a comfortable bed and pillows. Nice bathroom with bathtub and japanese style toilet. Everything we need was just there. We found kind staff and zero problems. Very good ♡

  • Sebastian Arias

    Sebastian Arias


    It's OK - if you don't end up getting a room at the annex next door! Otherwise expect to have to walk over to the main part of the complex (and in the case of the microwaves to take another elevator up to the 3rd floor of the main building) anytime you needed to make use of any of their facilities, the only thing the annex had was a vending machine in the semi-covered walkway to/from the annex (a walkway that was prone to getting wet and slippery when it rained) and the washing machines. Furthermore it was obvious the annex wasn't as well kept as the rest of the hotel - the bathroom and bedroom was spacious in comparison to other Tokyo hotels, yes, but the furniture and walls were in poor shape and some of it was in dire need of repair, not to mention the ugly, grim yellow lighting in the bathroom and the weird faucets that you had to pull the handle downwards to activate (and if you pulled them too low they'd start making this dreadful gurgling noise - a sign that there's air entering somewhere in the pipes.) One good thing I can say, however, is that the staff at the Listel were very kind and courteous, the rooms were cleaned constantly and that the Wifi worked great. If you can get a room in the main building, great, otherwise I'd recommend looking elsewhere...

  • Neelakantan G

    Neelakantan G


    A budget hotel with clean room, and toilet. Surprising was that room does not have a locker. There is no complementary water or coffee / tea making facility. There is a kettle in the room.

  • Denise Tai

    Denise Tai


    This hotel is a disaster. I couldn't believe the good reviews are genuine. Filled with cigarette smoke though we requested for non smoking rooms and there was cigarette tray in the room. We arrived as a group by coach but was denied parking at front entrance. Had to park at back alley and had to carry baggages to hotel from back alley for more than 15 mins. The bathroom basin has water stain evidencing that the room was not adequately cleaned. The ventilation was poor and we had to open the window to get fresh air. Will definitely not recommend this hotel.

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