Hotel Kawase Tokyo and Capsule i Taitō-ku

JapanHotel Kawase Tokyo and Capsule


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Japan, 〒111-0034 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Kaminarimon, 2 Chome−19, 雷門2丁目19−14
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3843-4910
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Latitude: 35.7103826, Longitude: 139.7971694

kommentar 5

  • Bill Moran

    Bill Moran


    Owner is unfriendly and insanely rigid about checkout time (do they really need 5 and a half hours to clean?). However, the price is pretty much unbeatable in Tokyo.

  • Negatif-Ju Patrice

    Negatif-Ju Patrice


    Dirty... The fat guy at this officel and his retarded family is a hudge Guy i travel a lot but don t go in this rat hole!

  • Tim Kuhlendahl

    Tim Kuhlendahl


    Its a capsule hotel. It was quite dirty and my capsule smelled of old smoke. Still I was happy it was there, as I just missed the last train home and was extremely tired after a connecting flight from New York.

  • Steam boy_

    Steam boy_


    A little dirty and it smells funny, not very lively. On the plus side: about the cheapest accommodations you can find, 5 minute walk from sensō-ji, Asakusa is a great area,

  • bmxdirect



    You get what you pay for. Probably the cheapest spot in Tokyo. Great location with lots around. Good value, decent amenities, showers are hot,staff don't speak English, but you get by. Cubicles are decent and comfortable enough. I'd stay again when i return.

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