Hotel Katen i Iwaki

JapanHotel Katen


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Ōsaku-9 Onahamashimokajiro, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-0316, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 246-73-0567
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Latitude: 36.9377358, Longitude: 140.9231864

kommentar 5

  • Kacho



    I saw in the news that Pineland, which operates Hotel Katen, will cease operations by January 16, 2024 and is preparing to file for bankruptcy. It's a shame because I stayed there last year and was looking forward to visiting again. This place was originally a facility established as a National Pension Health Center, but was later purchased by a private company and operated as a lodging facility. The hotel was originally a National Pension Health Center, so it was a bit of an unusual location in a large park (Misaki Park), but it was also close to Aquamarine Fukushima and right in front of the ocean, so you could enjoy the sunrise over the ocean. It was great to be able to see it. Although the building itself was old, I thought it was a very good facility, so I wish there was a company that could take over it. The open-air bath was also very nice.

  • やすくん



    I used it for a day trip bath. Since it was the end of the year, I took the elderly to a hot spring. Purchase a bathing ticket from the ticket vending machine next to the lobby from the entrance, hand it to the pretty female staff member at the front desk, and take the elevator to the third floor. There are chairs in the elevator, which is a really nice touch. bath The washing area has partitions. Shampoo etc. are available The hot water is a salty hot spring around 41℃. The view overlooks the Pacific Ocean. It's a hot spring that warms you to the core.

  • Gaku Nishimoto

    Gaku Nishimoto


    I used a day trip hot spring for 500 yen with a half-price discount coupon from a town magazine. After paying at the front desk and taking the elevator to the 3rd floor, you will immediately see a noren curtain.If you go through there, you will see separate entrances for men and women, but if you are a female, you may be confused at first as the first noren curtain may give you the illusion that it is a men's bath. is. There are 12 indoor baths (including 3 foam baths), semi-open-air baths (3 jet water showers), and 12 showers. The spring quality contains salt and is warm. The quality of the springs seems to be good, but if I were to pay the regular price, I would go to Cape Tenjin.

  • C O

    C O


    I used this hotel because I wanted to stay at a hotel with a sea view. The spring quality is a strong chloride hot spring (a hot spring with a high salt content), and when I asked the hotel if my 2 year old could use it, they very carefully explained to me that it would be fine as long as I didn't stay in the bath for a long time and just took a quick shower at the end, which made me feel at ease. I put it in. The temperature was 40 to 41 degrees Celsius, so my son probably got hot immediately, but... There is only a baby cot in the changing room. It's good for detoxing and fat burning, which is good for your skin, and it makes you sweat, so hydration is essential. My skin became very smooth. The hotel itself is a little older and smaller, but the rooms and entrance were very clean and it was quiet and not crowded. The employees were also very polite, attentive, and nice. The photo is the sunrise and breakfast from the room. I had it at a dinner party and it was just the right amount.

  • Steven Ramsay

    Steven Ramsay


    Probably the nicest place to stay in the Iwaki area, stunning views over the ocean, really relaxing rooms, amazing food and a pretty good onsen. The food is really what you're paying for, really enjoyed both dinner and breakfast. The waiter deserves a special mention, attentive, affable and spoke decent English. If you are not Japanese booking is more difficult than it needs to be as you need a first name in Hiragana but you can just find a random Hiragana name online and use that.

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