Hotel Florida i Toshima-ku

JapanHotel Florida


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2 Chome-36-4 Ikebukuro, 豊島区 Toshima-ku, Tōkyō-to 170-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
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Latitude: 35.7332032, Longitude: 139.7074023

kommentar 5

  • es

    Ruben Rafael Rodriguez Magallon


    Falta aseo. Alfombra. Sucia y manchada.

  • Lance Balzart

    Lance Balzart


    Stayed here with my girlfriend on our fun short vacation in Tokyo. The place has this old-school feel to it(our room definitely had 80's design that was totally awesome) the rooms were super clean and the front desk lady was so nice.

  • Carene N

    Carene N


    Pire hôtel que j'ai été. Il était sale, sans WiFi et la clim de la chambre ne fonctionnait pas bien.

  • ja




  • Susan Wu

    Susan Wu


    Super cute and retro hotel reminiscent of old Tokyo groove. the location is amazing with all the good food and shopping spots i the center of Ikebukuro! There Hotel that’s around, but this one is extra funky and cute! the staff was so accommodating and friendly, fluent in English and really made our trip in Tokyo something special!

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