Hotel Bell Classic Tokyo i Toshima City

JapanHotel Bell Classic Tokyo


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3-chōme-33-6 Minamiōtsuka, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0005, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5950-1200
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Latitude: 35.7316703, Longitude: 139.7274067

kommentar 5

  • Lydia Pincott

    Lydia Pincott


    I had my end of year work Christmas dinner party in the banquet room at this hotel. It’s an absolutely gorgeous room with the most stunning chandeliers! The food was really delicious and the staff were kind and very accomodating. Lovely!

  • Walter Chen

    Walter Chen


    Although the pricing here is marginally higher than most Tokyo holiday rooms, this will always be my go-to hotel. I've been here 3 times, for solo, business, and with friends and each time it has not disappointed me. The rooms are super cozy and big enough, they're also plush and comfortable along with the beds, the bathrooms are clean and although my only gripe is a lack of laundry (service doesn't count, plus a laundromat nearby), it makes up for it by having beautiful decor and an amazing lobby (this is also a wedding venue, so there's that too.) The service is also amazing, with the staff being one of the most polite staff I've ever encountered who are super friendly and engaging too. The location is probably one of the BEST in Tokyo as it's quiet enough to not bump into people at any given time of the day, but at the same time, being on the Yamanote line connects you to basically where you want to go at any given time. There's a Lawsons across the street, the station and Starbucks down the block, and a Yoshinoya just a little bit more from the Starbucks. Neighborhood is also quite beautiful to walk around in at night. You get what you pay for, and I just wish it was a little bit more affordable - but as I said, it's worth every penny. Would give this 10 stars out of 5 if I could.

  • Istvan Steve Lorincz

    Istvan Steve Lorincz


    Great hotel, very clean and decent. Great advantage of this hotel it’s large parking lot, what is undoubtedly a really great plus. The rooms are comfortable, bath/shower outstanding. Prices high that why not 5 stars.

  • Sandy



    Partner and I stayed here for 8 nights in twin bed as other options weren't available at the time of booking. Service is impeccable! Always greeted and seen off when entering and leaving the hotel. Staff were very friendly and polite. Housekeeping of the rooms was great. The room itself was quite comfortable, a bit more spacious than other Japanese hotels I've stayed at. Hotel itself is located less than 5 minutes walk to the JR Otsuka station and is directly opposite a Lawson (convenient store). Excellent location! Would definitely love to stay here again.

  • Seb L

    Seb L


    Nice and elegant rooms with premium amenities. It's a wedding hotel but they welcome all guests. Staff is super friendly and very helpful and professional. The yamanote line station otsuka is 2min by foot. Great for sightseeing.

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