Hotel Areaone Fukuyama in Fukuyama

JapanHotel Areaone Fukuyama


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Japan, 〒720-0066 Hiroshima, Fukuyama, Sannomaruchō, 9−12 ホテルエリアワン福山
kontakte telefon: +81 84-922-9999
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4883254, Longitude: 133.3588636

kommentare 5

  • 博北岡



    As mentioned in other people's reviews, there is a chubby female employee at the breakfast venue. Are you in charge of breakfast? I was looking forward to the breakfast rice balls and bread based on the reviews. On that day, I returned the used trays and plates to the return location to eat rice balls and side dishes and then bread, and as I was preparing new trays and plates and taking the bread, an obese woman appeared. As soon as he saw the tray I returned, he asked me, ``Did you use this?'' When I replied, ``Yes,'' he asked with a stiff expression, ``Why don't you use this (used)?'' There were other customers there, so when I replied, "Yes, sorry," I was ignored and cleaned up. Well, I do think it would have been better if I had used it, but on the other hand, the plates and trays I used were dirty with dressing and sprinkles, and I wanted to give them a new one, so I had to discuss with the customer why I had to accommodate their convenience. I didn't think so myself, but I paid 500 yen to use the service, and there was no explanation that said, ``One tray per person, please.'' When I spoke to an older employee who was there, he was surprised and apologized, saying, ``Wait, did you say that to me directly?'' After receiving the apology, I replied, ``I understand, that's enough,'' but I will give guidance to the employees. I didn't have the words to say that, and I didn't seem to go to the woman, so I wrote it here. Be careful everyone! I am a slightly overweight woman in my 60s and 70s! I'm quite strong-willed! I have been feeling very sick since this morning! It's been a year since the previous review about the overweight female employee, but there hasn't been any improvement! ! ! Your impression of Hotel Area One will change considerably depending on who you are! This was the worst hotel ever. I will never use it again ☺️

  • Hirata S

    Hirata S


    2024.5.3 Accommodation Even though it was Golden Week, the nightly rate for a double room was very cheap at just under 5,000 yen per person! I think the price is amazing because it's within walking distance from Fukuyama Station and has an affiliated parking lot. Also, it is a nice service that there is a soft drink bar with welcome drinks from 15:00 to 21:00. The location and service are perfect, but the room ・It makes an awful lot of noise ・The tub is narrow and takes a long time to fill with hot water. ・The room becomes quite dry. There was something like that💦

  • Iam amaco

    Iam amaco


    First of all, let me tell you... there are quite a lot of photos on this site lol. But you can get there in 5 minutes on foot from JR Fukuyama Station, and best of all, it's cheap! Amenities and hot tea are placed next to the front desk, so you can choose only what you need. Pillows, humidifiers, stands, blankets, etc. are also placed next to the front desk and can be borrowed by those who need them. I wonder if there was a vending machine installed somewhere? But when you want to have a beer or something but don't want to go to a convenience store! They were on sale at the front desk! It was a great service and not very expensive. The microwave and PC were near the front desk. Most of the business hotels I've been to have dim lights with downlights, but this room had bright lights. I am thankful that it is easy to apply makeup. The TV was also convenient because you could watch YouTube. Wifi is also available. However, in my room... I could hear the neighbors snoring and the sound of the door opening and closing lol. What about those who are sensitive? That's the level. I was left with a good impression as all the staff at the front desk greeted me with a smile. Breakfast is like a light buffet. The seats were really small and there were times when there were no seats available, but it seemed like you could take the food to your room and eat it. But is it okay to add a buffet to this price? ? , so I don't use it as a reason to reduce breakfast.

  • han hiro

    han hiro



  • Theo Drew

    Theo Drew


    Nice and clean, a little small though. To be expected. Good breakfast provided.

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