Hoshioki Ekimae Dental Clinic in Sapporo

JapanHoshioki Ekimae Dental Clinic



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2 Chome-1 Hoshioki 1 Jo, Teine Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 006-0851, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 11-686-0808
webseite: hoshioki-dental.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.1328664, Longitude: 141.211645

kommentare 5

  • 佐藤津勢子



    Anonymous request Dentures are the worst. When I explained that it didn't work, the director said, ``I'm tired of it.'' I don't think there are any sturdy dentures like this these days. It's hard to breathe, and the bite is bad!I don't think any other teacher would tell you to make your brain recognize it, or that it depends on your own effort. There is no technology. The owner's posts are full of lies, such as pretending to be a patient. It's scary whether it's a safe place or not. No matter how many times I tried making dentures like this, it was pointless, so I stopped making them. In the end, I couldn't use the dentures even once, so I threw them away. If I thought it didn't suit me, I should have stopped immediately.

  • 匿名希望



    The technology is seriously the worst. I couldn't make an appointment at a local dentist because my dental implant had come off, so I went there in a hurry with a limited schedule. I was told that there was no problem with my tooth (maybe there was a cavity inside?) and I was almost forced to undergo treatment. He was sent to the hospital many times and was given tall teeth made using a 3D printer. A few months later, the treated tooth started to hurt and when I went to the dentist, it was found that the root treatment had failed and the tooth had festered inside. This is at the level of medical error. I really want my time and money back. Definitely not recommended! ! !

  • すぷら



    The elderly woman at the reception was so unpleasant... My doctor's ticket, insurance card, and change were all handed over to me with one hand, and I didn't even say a word, ``Please take care of me.'' Wouldn't it be better to work behind the scenes and not go out in public?

  • パパ



    The waiting room and treatment room are both clean. A dentist with a Hawaiian atmosphere. The teachers and staff are all kind and polite! ️

  • kaiwa



    I did some research and ended up going here because it's close to my house and open late. I got a bad impression from the reviews, but after passing by and seeing it, I think it's generally good. Perhaps because we have many child patients, the staff are always smiling and kind. When the treatment uses anesthesia, it is applied properly and it doesn't hurt, so I have no complaints. Each session is completed in a short time and I can attend without difficulty. I have had the director and another doctor take care of me, and I think they are very polite. There was a review saying people were smoking outside at the back door facing the sidewalk, but I do see them often on the way home or when using the station (lol) But it's a place with no lunch breaks, and because of the building, you can only smoke there, so I guess it can't be helped.

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