Hoshino Coffee in Kawagoe

JapanHoshino Coffee



🕗 öffnungszeiten

445-1 Ogaya, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1104, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 49-220-0111
webseite: www.hoshinocoffee.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.918864, Longitude: 139.4559361

kommentare 5

  • FMK



    First visit. Sunday morning was a great deal. Ah, when I checked to listen to Wi-Fi. We don't have Wi-Fi. Is it unusual for cafes to not have Wi-Fi? ? So somehow it seemed empty.

  • ペンテリコン



    Good when you want to have a slightly rich morning. Although my friend and I had the exact same menu, we arrived quite a while apart. I think it's better to release the same items at the same time if possible. I entered the store at the same time as the rotation, so I don't think I can use the crowd as an excuse. The staff seemed to be inexperienced, forgetting to add honey to the pancakes.

  • Omar Jbarah

    Omar Jbarah


    Nice Place to visit and drink Coffee!

  • Laruchia



    When making important decisions, planning a trip, or just wanting to relax. It is an important store that is used in various situations 😏 Compared to other chain stores, it has a quieter and calmer atmosphere, and it is very comfortable and things go smoothly 💕 (On the other hand, it is not suitable for people who want to have fun...) Sometimes when it's crowded I can't get a seat. The sofa seat will make you happy😂 Although it is a gourmet Coffee is good too ☕️ Tea is good too 👍 Of course, desserts and light meals are also good✨🍛🥪🍮 In particular, the curry seems to have been served in an old coffee shop. Recommended for its rich flavor 🤭 I will continue to use it when making decisions or taking a break. This is a store I would like to visit 🥰 I can highly recommend it✨

  • R.B. Bailey Jr International Media

    R.B. Bailey Jr International Media


    Nice menu selection for a coffee shop, including a children's menu. Covid 19 protocols in place. About five minutes walk from JR Nishi Kawagoe Station.

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