Hoshino Coffee i Onojo

JapanHoshino Coffee



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2-chōme-1-1 Mikasagawa, Onojo, Fukuoka 816-0912, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-558-6106
internet side: www.hoshinocoffee.com
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Latitude: 33.5456194, Longitude: 130.4824961

kommentar 5

  • T K

    T K


    I always try to take pictures, but eating took priority so I didn't take any pictures this time either. I had pancakes (single) for the first time in a while. Add lots of honey 🍯! was delicious! The drink is hot coffee mandhelin. The second drink was half price, so of course I got two. There were many customers during the holidays, but we were able to relax.

  • Aki Aki

    Aki Aki


    I go there often because it's easy to get in alone. The location is good, the parking lot is large, there are plenty of seats, and you never have to wait, so I've never had any complaints. To put it bluntly, it bothers me that I can't use Paypay. I've never used it for breakfast, so I only know about the grand menu, but I often order something like the doria with pancakes. I think it was around 1300 yen? This time, it was late, just before closing time, and I ran away from home for a while to kill some time by myself (lol), so I decided to have French toast and coffee. It was delicious.

  • 栗野良



    While I stopped by Volvo Fukuoka Minami for a regular inspection, my friend and I went to Hoshino Coffee Shop Onojo branch, which we had been told was nearby, for about an hour. It was past 10am. My friend had tea and I had the bean paste and butter morning set. It took over 15 minutes for our drinks to come out and 25 minutes for our morning toast to come out. worst. I've been using Morning Morning all over the place lately, and everywhere they have it, it's delivered within minutes. Moreover, the woman who seemed to be in charge at the cash register was making terrible excuses. I'm sorry it took so long because it's a single cup. I thought it was stupid. Every morning, I boil my own drip coffee and pour the water slowly over it using a professional tool, but it still only takes 5 or 6 minutes. Whether it's Komeda Coffee or Bikkuri Donkey, the coffee and bread are delivered at the same time or with a slight time lag. Why does it take 10 minutes to bring bread after the coffee is brought to you? There is a lack of internal coordination, and all I can say is that they are disqualified from the service industry. Moreover, it is not good to apologize after making a mistake. I'll never go to Hoshino again, and it's a terrible restaurant that I won't recommend to anyone.

  • Mason Tay

    Mason Tay


    The pancake is not as fluffy as it smashed up very easily when cut and therefore I have a 4 stars as overall rating and for food. I still find The Espresso D Works and 8grams pancakes taste better. They need to improve on their texture. The autumn menu is interesting with new chestnut recipes. I love the Apple pancake crème brulee. Pancake : 7.5 out of 10 Pancake (the Espresso D Works) : 9.5 out of 10 Pancake (8gram) : 8 out of 10 Coffee: 2 out of 5

  • Anna Naser

    Anna Naser


    Tasty fluffy soufle waffles!

nærmeste Cafe

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