Horie Hospital en Matsuyama

JapónHorie Hospital



🕗 horarios

1582 Fukuzumichō, Matsuyama, Ehime 799-2652, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-978-0783
sitio web: www.horie-hp.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9044196, Longitude: 132.7558847

comentarios 5

  • s s

    s s


    Used in child and adolescent outpatient clinics. I had high hopes for him, thinking he would be kind to me, but he pushed me away halfway through, and I felt betrayed. I think it was my fault for having high expectations, but I'm sorry.

  • 白石敦志(pegasus)



    Phone support is terrible He doesn't say the name of the hospital or his own name. I'll just do my best to answer the phone!

  • ma ta

    ma ta


    The office lady is extremely rude on the phone every time. I don't need them to be particularly kind and polite, I just want them to respond normally. His tone is harsh, and he responds with sighs, so maybe he's showing too much emotion? I no longer feel like going to a hospital where people like this are at the reception desk. Even though I called first thing in the morning to make an initial appointment, I didn't get a call back, so I waited until the evening and called again. Another man (who was very kind and polite) came to the room and we immediately set a reservation date. I also know the name of the female office worker, but I would like to withhold her name. I think it's very unfortunate that people like this are openly dealing with the hospital, even though there are wonderful doctors, including the director. For me, who is not in good health, it is very painful every time.

  • 河部佳奈



    Horie Hospital is the worst... Kawamoto is worn out (lol) People talk on the phone I get upset and hang up (lol) It's too bad (lol) Even if people say hello The worst teacher to ignore. About Ajishu Psychosomatic Medicine The teacher was in disrepair. Isn't that a painful look? I always do things that are out of the ordinary. Too short-tempered, selfish, and selfish Doctor ❤️ Don't be silly♠️♠️♠️ That smile is only on the outside 😘💗 Everyone is being fooled, right? 💕 Horie Hospital etc. It will be crushed🎊🙌

  • 河部正通



    At this hospital, there is a nurse apprentice named T who tries to woo inpatients lol. Exchanging email addresses and sexual harassment. Doctors arbitrarily schedule patients who still need treatment for discharge and kick them out. Well, Mr. T taught me about kicking out lol. This is a hospital that doesn't understand why patients are drugged and their hospitalization is lengthened or shortened for no reason. Some doctors get angry and ignore people when they say hello. It's an interesting hospital lol

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