Honoka Dental Clinic en Tamana

JapónHonoka Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1392-5 Ryūganji, Tamana, Kumamoto 865-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 968-57-9173
sitio web: www.honoka-dc.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.943369, Longitude: 130.552919

comentarios 5

  • 笑夢



  • Hiroshi Chikamatsu

    Hiroshi Chikamatsu


    I had a cavity treated a month and a half ago. The stuffing came off after 4 weeks, so I called to have it checked, but was told that they only had space available after 1 week. The fact that the filling has come loose means that if left untreated for a long time, it will cause further damage to the tooth. I wanted to see a doctor as soon as possible, but... Since this is a dental clinic that requires reservations at the reception, it is not possible to consult directly with the doctor. If you can't have a conversation that is close to the patient, such as saying, ``I'm sorry,'' or ``I'll see you as soon as possible,'' the impression of the hospital will be negative. I'm considering whether to continue to suffer the damage or move to another dental clinic.

  • 小森ユイ



    Anyway the waiting time is long

  • 匿名



  • たんぼそらぽん



    My wisdom teeth had decayed and I had them removed. It was scary, but I'm glad that the treatment was painless. When your hands are shaking from fear, what about the dental hygienist? I felt relieved when he held my hand. The inside of the hospital is very clean.

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