Hokuren Shop en Ebetsu

JapónHokuren Shop



🕗 horarios

519-2 Ōasa Kitamachi, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 069-0861, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-387-5551
sitio web: www.hokurenshoji.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0883379, Longitude: 141.5027803

comentarios 5

  • lone h

    lone h


    I couldn't shop as much as I wanted because the old lady store clerk was blocking the aisle and chatting with me all the time, which made me feel uncomfortable.

  • Nagisa Day

    Nagisa Day


    I always find interesting and good food here! There's a 100yen shop next door too.

  • プンスカ



    There is a Hokkaido Bank ATM. There's a cleaning shop in there. Contains chateraise. They also sell a lot of bread, and it looks like they are baked by a proper bakery. It looked very delicious. There is also a general store selling daily necessities. This is a store that feels like DAISO. There are various things for sale. I bought tools and files. I already have some pottery. There is also a clothing store next to it. The store is called Shoei.

  • 山崎ゆきんこ



    There are also 100 yen shops, which are convenient. There is also a Chateraise store, which I use often.

  • go jasper

    go jasper


    Reopening on March 1st. What used to be a large A-Corp store in the countryside has undergone a major transformation. The store is cleaner, the products are easier to see, and the number of items has increased. This is a store where you will want to buy a wide variety of chateraise.

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