Hokuno Supermarket w Sapporo

JaponiaHokuno Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-1-2 Atsubetsuchūō 5 Jō, Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0055, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-895-0101
strona internetowej: chibi.hokuno.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0457009, Longitude: 141.4713438

komentarze 5

  • K “ピエロ” K

    K “ピエロ” K


    The first time I went there, the floor was tilted. It feels strange when I walk inside the store. I think the selection in the store is a little better than at a convenience store.

  • にの



    The store is clearly oriented toward the west, making it an innovative store that doesn't seem to be Reiwa. Even in the Showa era, there weren't many stores like this. The prices are typical of a small supermarket, and there's no reason to come here when Ringo House is not far away. However, the leaning atmosphere is too precious, so just do your best ( ˘ω˘)

  • the中村



    It's leaning.The inside of the store is quite quiet, but it's leaning.Someone please come and see it as a rare spot.It's amazing.

  • 江ノ島タコせんべい



    I visited by chance without doing any research. Is it leaning to the left after entering from the entrance? I doubted my sense of balance, but no matter how I looked at it, I was leaning. In the evening, if you visit just before closing at 8 o'clock, you can get side dishes at half price, and I felt that the compact store was very easy to use, with a size and layout that made it easy to find what you were looking for. This is the first time I've seen a cheese that looks like it would be good as a snack. I'm going to enjoy a little bit of this cheese tonight. *I think this is a store that is making a lot of effort with its variety of products and its uniqueness.

  • Money 50

    Money 50


    It's a pretty small shop. It's only about the size of a convenience store. It would be better not to expect a wide variety of products. It feels like they are competing with the minimum number of items.

najbliższy Supermarket

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