Hokkaidō Bank Toyooka Branch w Asahikawa

JaponiaHokkaidō Bank Toyooka Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-2-9 Toyooka 3 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8233, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 166-31-4181
strona internetowej: www.hokkaidobank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.7586666, Longitude: 142.3962731

komentarze 5

  • Tatebayashi Chisako

    Tatebayashi Chisako


    I received an apartment loan from Hokkaido Bank Toyooka Branch. When I applied for a loan, the response was very slow and I had to wait for a response and had a hard time. I thought about quitting, but at the time, he listened to me intently, so I ended up getting a loan and building a new apartment. Initially, I put in some of my own funds. Nearly two years have passed, and I have been making all my repayments without delay, and even made two early repayments with the funds I had available. However, the other day, the person in charge told me something that sounded like a request for a lump-sum repayment for reasons I didn't understand, so I said, ``I don't understand what you're saying.'' What exactly are you requesting from me? Please put it in writing,'' I asked (naturally). I received a reply later and was told that ``I cannot provide that document.'' ……. He keeps saying things that cannot be put into writing. ? ? ? What on earth is this? ? Is it just harassment? After that, I received a request to collect some documents, but the contents were even more derisive. I run the business by myself, so I don't have an accountant or office staff. If you investigate and confirm it on the Dogan side, it will be obvious, something that can be confirmed, and something that is open to the public. They don't even look at it, they don't make an effort to research it, they don't make an effort to understand it, they go out of their way to submit it even though it requires a lot of effort. . I don't know what I want to do. Only one thing is clear The road bank lacks the heart to know the customer's position and care for the customer. not facing the customer, It's a narrow-minded attitude. Financing contracts are also concluded based on a relationship of trust. A relationship of trust should not be destroyed needlessly, and shouldn't we put the necessary matters in writing and confront them fairly?

  • 中井睦子



    Other companies' transfer fees are higher than ◯ safes, and parking is not very convenient.

  • 秋葉和子



    I only use ATMs, so I think it's the same as a regular bank.

  • m gold

    m gold


    There is a lunch break period. The counter is closed from 12:30 to 13:30. I was in trouble because some people came to the store without knowing about it. I don't think companies are making enough efforts. A valuable location as stores in the city are being consolidated. It is a bank where many people come and go, although most people use ATMs.

  • 久保和敬



    The parking lot is shared with Amor Shopping Center, but it is spacious. There is an exit from the car wash at the gas station next door, so don't block it. I think the waiting time is relatively short at both counters and ATMs.

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