Hokaze i Kurashiki




🕗 åbningstider

1421-1 Kojimakarakotochō, Kurashiki, Okayama 711-0905, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-477-5689
internet side: r.goope.jp
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Latitude: 34.4608261, Longitude: 133.876193

kommentar 5

  • 楓榎



    The location is good and the food is delicious, but unfortunately the food is not served at the right time, so if you eat in pairs or in a group, if you don't order the same dish, you'll have to eat at different times, making it difficult to enjoy a pleasant meal.

  • M Y

    M Y


    2023.1.21 I went to lunch with my wife. I had the steak lunch and my wife had the seafood lunch. The prices were 2,400 yen and 2,300 yen. There was a little less wasabi in the steak weight. The miso soup was lukewarm and tasted half as good. The seafood was loaded with wasabi. The taste was normal. Does the price of this restaurant include the view in front of you? In front of you is an ocean view. It is a very scenic place with outstanding views, including the Seto Ohashi Bridge. Reservations are required on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • けいけい



    I went there for the first time for lunch. There was a variety of food on a small plate and it was very delicious. The sashimi was delicious, and the tempura and chawanmushi were piping hot. The location overlooking the sea is also wonderful.

  • きび



    Previously visited during lunch time with a reservation. It was a wonderful location surrounded by the sea and mountains. I chose meat or fish as my main dish. The soup, appetizers, and main dishes were all beautifully presented and a feast for the eyes. However, the amount was small and I thought it might not be enough for men. Thank you for the delicious meal.

  • 小倉康平



    This was my first visit, and the location was great, right in front of the Seto Inland Sea, and the customer service was polite and nice. The food was delicious, but since it was aimed at a slightly older audience, I would have liked a little more volume. I think it was about 2000 yen for lunch? I had the impression that it would have a set meal feel like a hotel or golf course.

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