Hisanagaya i Minamiaso




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒869-1404 Kumamoto, Aso District, Minamiaso, Kawayō, 3440−4 長陽駅舎
kontakter telefon: +81 967-67-1107
internet side: www.hisanagaya.com
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Latitude: 32.8542234, Longitude: 131.004104

kommentar 5

  • 藤本カフカ



    I stopped by on my way back from sightseeing on the Minamiaso Railway. The atmosphere inside the station building and store had a retro feel and was very stylish! This time I received the blueberry capital cake set, and it was very delicious with fluffy cake, yogurt-flavored cream, and lots of fresh fruit! Also, the staff's service was good, and I was able to spend about two hours there comfortably. The station building also had recreational equipment such as gloves and balls for playing catch and board games such as Othello, so waiting for the train was not a problem. I would definitely like to visit again.

  • V- Strider

    V- Strider


    A cafe located at Nagayo Station on the Minamiaso Railway. I am impressed that he patiently ran a cafe at Nagayo Station, which was damaged by the earthquake, and was able to protect the station as the stationmaster. The tranquil atmosphere is matched by the old-fashioned warmth of the station building. Sitting on the platform and drinking coffee while looking at the peaceful scenery will make you forget the passage of time. There are several types of coffee, as well as soft drinks. There are several types of chiffon cakes, as well as other desserts. There are many unmanned wooden station buildings, but I don't think there are many manned stations with cafes. What's more, I think stations are precious because the scenery you can see makes you forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The parking lot is large, so you won't have any problems parking. There are also toilets next to the station building.

  • sabatora cat

    sabatora cat


    This is an unmanned station with a Showa-era feel, located near a residential area. A cafe ☕ built inside the station building is open on weekends and holidays. We recommend the fluffy chiffon cake 💕 The master and staff are also very friendly, and you can't help but chat with them 😊 Also, in other spaces in the station building, you can find vegetables and fresh eggs sold by locals. It is placed. The ONE PIECE train is currently in operation (February). If you're lucky, you might meet someone😄

  • E Pan

    E Pan


    A beautiful relaxing place with great chiffon cake. Must come if you are in the area.

  • Chris



    Nice place to have a coffee. The view from the outside seating is really nice. You can enjoy looking the rim of one of the world's largest calderas. This is definitely a great place to go with the book, especially on a sunny day. Happy reading!

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