Hiroshima Yanohigashi Post Office w Hiroshima

JaponiaHiroshima Yanohigashi Post Office



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7-chōme-2-2 Yanonishi, Aki Ward, Hiroshima, 736-0085, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-889-3390
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3455478, Longitude: 132.5379114

komentarze 4

  • toshi koyaku

    toshi koyaku


    In the Yano district of Aki Ward, Hiroshima City, There are 3 locations including a simple post office. This is one of the post offices. Yano-cho Gion intersection on Prefectural Route 34 Enter the old road side, Crossed the Gion Bridge over the Yano River It is located at the back of the intersection with the old road. Next to the post office building There is a parking lot exclusively for users of the post office. There are 6 units available. Frames 1 to 3 in front and Frame 7 in the back. This is the parking space for Hiroshima Yano Higashi Post Office. From 4 to 6 frames General monthly parking lot This is a space exclusively for users. In a frame other than the post office space When you stop the car, With people who rent monthly parking spaces Please be careful as this may lead to trouble. Located on the National Route 31 side Much later than Yano Post Office Yano Higashi Post Office has been opened. Collection and delivery operations in Yano area Kaita-cho, Aki-gun Kaita Post Office is in charge of this, so Our post office also does not perform collection and delivery services. Postal counter business hours Same as Yano Post Office From 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays, There is no Yu-Yu counter. At the postal counter at Yano Post Office Cashless payment is available, but At Hiroshima Yanohigashi Post Office Only cash payments will be accepted.

  • ようちゃん



  • カルロスポンセ



    It's a normal post office

  • 突然ですいません



    The atmosphere is relaxed. There's an old-fashioned mailbox. There is also an ATM within the station.

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