Hiroshima Nakano Post Office en Hiroshima

JapónHiroshima Nakano Post Office



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-1-6 Nakano, Aki Ward, Hiroshima, 739-0321, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-893-0515
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3916011, Longitude: 132.5632747

comentarios 3

  • jean kou

    jean kou


    Maybe the staff has changed due to personnel changes, but the service is worse than before, so I won't go there anymore. When shipping an irregularly shaped item, I was told that the size 140 would be shipped one size larger than 160 because it was 5mm over, and I refused the shipment. The Nakano Higashi Post Office sent the item in size 140. Isn't there a chance that it would be returned if it was 5mm over? Even the rules are too flexible.

  • 山根しずく



    The people at the post office here are all very kind people. I try to teach them as much as possible about things I don't understand, and I get what I can get from them.

  • 根津一秀



    I visited a local elderly person in a crowded situation, I was impressed by how prompt and courteous the customer service was. Also, the post in front of the station building📮 was unique😊

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