Hiroshima Motoujina Post Office w Hiroshima

JaponiaHiroshima Motoujina Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-20 Motoujinamachi, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 734-0012, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-251-9821
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3480546, Longitude: 132.4620512

komentarze 5

  • Sophia P

    Sophia P


    The two ladies of the staff were very polite and patient! Even though the communication was a bit difficult, we made it with a bit of English, Japanese and Google Translate 😂 We were very happy with the service, ありがとうございました!

  • タケR



    Credit cards cannot be used for payment.

  • リヴァプゥルの千の風。



  • うーたん



    I use it sometimes. There have been many times when I have felt unreasonable when I handed in regular mail or Letter Pack mail to the counter, which had thickness restrictions, and was told that the envelope was oversized when it touched the scale. The staff at the bureau are extremely unkind and don't understand the sender's feelings, making me suspect that they are trying to force the charges higher. Therefore, I avoid using this post office when the thickness of the package is questionable. I have also come across several times where people such as sole proprietors hand in dozens of pieces of mail to the counter, but it takes a long time to process them and there is a long line. It's the kind of post office that can't judge the situation and just leaves it as it is. In such a case, you can either decline the sender and process the people waiting first, or if you cannot get the sender's consent, you can just tell the people waiting. If you don't get one, you'll have to wait for 10 minutes. In any case, can you only act with a ruler? The problem is that he is not quick-witted. It's a post office in a small town, so I don't have high expectations either, but isn't it too bad?

  • 坂本恵美



    Everyone is friendly and always uses it.

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