Hiroshima Garden Palace Hotel in Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima Garden Palace Hotel


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1-chōme-15-21 Hikarimachi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0052, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-262-1122
webseite: www.hotelgp-hiroshima.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3979694, Longitude: 132.4804722

kommentare 5

  • John Okazaki

    John Okazaki


    Amazing service, and the food is simply delicious!

  • Anthony hgl

    Anthony hgl


    In general, I would say the room is okay but air conditioner is very noisy at night and the toilet has some kind of unpleasant smell. Besides, the water server makes noises when heating the water every 30 mins, I had to turn it off otherwise I cannot sleep.

  • Jocelyn Au

    Jocelyn Au


    Location is ok but the worst thing is about the air con, you cannot adjust the room temperature except the fan speed. I could not sleep well as I was waken up because it was too hot. The other thing is about the room service. I tried to tidy up the bench inside the toilet and put all those toiletries provided by the hotel aside and organized my own stuff. Every day when I got back to the room, the staff cleared up all my stuff and put back the hotel stuff in place. I have to re-do it everytime.

  • M. Brick

    M. Brick


    The hotel is quite close to the station which was nice. The rooms were clean and breakfast was included with our stay. The only reason that I did not give it 5 stars is that there was minor damage on the entertainment stand that was fixed with tape.

  • Ginny Dasgupta

    Ginny Dasgupta


    The rooms are clean and nice. The air conditioning is centralized. Our room does have a nice bath tub. The halls are quiet and unobtrusive. The location is fairly convenient to the station.

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