Hiroshima Ekimae Green Hotel en Hiroshima

JapónHiroshima Ekimae Green Hotel


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10-27 Matsubarachō, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0822, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-264-3939
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3973271, Longitude: 132.4724547

comentarios 5

  • Mark Fraser

    Mark Fraser


    A good cheap hotel based across the road from JR Hiroshima train station.

  • Nick Jacobus

    Nick Jacobus


    The front desk staff were kind and accommodating. They offer free toothbrushes, razors, and hairbrush in the lobby. Conveniently located right next to Hiroshima station.

  • Andrew Hardie

    Andrew Hardie


    Bring ear plugs. This hotel is by two major roadways and they have single paned windows. I had trouble hearing the TV over the sound of traffic. Otherwise the hotel looks a bit worn but the room was clean. The room was a good size for japan and would likely fit two people and one suitcase. Staff spoke very limited English but we're friendly.

  • Brandon Koskey

    Brandon Koskey


    Good, Cheap place. Has all the essentials to get back onto your feet after a long day. There isn't a big tv, but if you just want to get a good rest, it is definitely the place

  • Ken Batten

    Ken Batten


    Very comfortable and clean. Close to Hiroshima station and buses for all tourist destinations. Would stay again.

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