Hiroshima City Hospital i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima City Hospital


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7-33 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-8518, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-221-2291
internet side: www.city-hosp.naka.hiroshima.jp
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Latitude: 34.3978597, Longitude: 132.4599565

kommentar 5

  • 英蘭



    Thank you for your help with cataract surgery. The flow is ① Your doctor will contact the municipal hospital. Ask them to make a reservation. ② Visit the hospital with a referral letter and have the test done on the same day. The decision to undergo surgery will be made based on the doctor's examination. ③Next time, there will be a pre-surgery briefing session with family members. Procedures for hospitalization. Next time is surgery. It is better to have a clear idea of ​​your schedule at step 1. I applied in February and my surgery was in June. ④ Visit the outpatient clinic on the 5th day after surgery. Ask the person you introduced to write a letter. ⑤ At first, take three types of eye drops three times a day. To prevent germs from entering, shampoo at the hair salon for a week. You can only shower from the neck down, but it's surprisingly eye-catching. I bought safety glasses at Lawson. *Everything from reception to inspection and accounting is very smooth. You can use credit. To avoid panic during your appointment, go to the restroom before checking in, and write down any questions you want to ask. In any case, the flow is fast. *Private car is not recommended. There is no parking available. The taxi driver had a big fight with the ambulance. Waste of time and blood pressure. As it has good access to the Astram Line, local buses, and streetcars, we recommend giving it up to people with severe symptoms. *When I was hospitalized, the 3rd day of zero falls was updated. Rather than falling individually, it may be that people with poor visibility and physical condition collide with each other. Using your smartphone while walking is out of the question. *Please wear a mask. This is a major hospital where people who die over trivial things rely on. Those admitted to the hospital will have their temperature taken every day for a week. Start using eye drops five times a day for three days before surgery. *Lawson is open 24 hours a day, so you can rely on safety glasses, disinfectant wipes, and non-slip shoes. There are more staff than other stores, and I appreciate their consideration. Doutor also has a large number of seats, which is effective in preventing infection. *Hospital food is delicious and light. There are a lot of rice. I was thrilled to see pineapple. *The room doesn't smell bad. Almost partitioned with curtains to protect privacy. Refrigerator costs 90 yen a day. The remaining amount can be refunded using a 1000 yen TV card. Cataract surgery gave me the vision I wanted. 0.2 because I want to see my hands properly. I can read books without any worries, and since the prescription is light, I think it would be easy to make glasses. thank you very much.

  • Kristina Davidoff

    Kristina Davidoff


    Went to emergency as a tourist from UK after my private GP suspected listeria poisoning. First of all the hospital if very clean, staff is super friendly, waiting time less than 20min. Doctor inspected me, asked questions using voice translator, plus did an ultrasound. Did not take blood test for listeria, but went to consult with senior doctors multiple times. Offered prescription. All together I paid 20 usd for the visit!

  • Keshna Newland

    Keshna Newland


    My partner fell ill during our trip & we came to the ER. The triage nurses were incredibly helpful and patient while we communicated though a translator. We were seen in a timely fashion to which the doctor provided wonderful care + spoke English. We were guided throughout the whole process which really eased the stress of the situation.

  • Shuxin Wu

    Shuxin Wu


    I suffered an infection while traveling in Japan, and visited this hospital as it was a 5 mins walk from my hotel. As I visited outside of opening hours, I used the emergency reception further in from the entrance. The staff and doctors at the hospital could only speak basic English, but we managed to communicate well using google translate and they had a special gadget that automatically translated Japanese speech to English. Staff was very helpful and I managed to see the doctor and get my medication all within 1 hour. Was very happy to be able to continue traveling with no issues.

  • S C

    S C


    Bon service

nærmeste Hospital

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