Hiroshi Dental Clinic en Takamatsu

JapónHiroshi Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

65-1 Kamihayashichō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0302, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 87-816-4618
sitio web: www.hiroshi-dc.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2915081, Longitude: 134.0747955

comentarios 5

  • UpJ



    I looked for a dental clinic where I was transferred to that would be open on Wednesdays, made an appointment, and visited the clinic (the dentists in the area were closed on Wednesdays). I have experience visiting various hospitals, but this clinic had a very solid system and had 7 to 8 staff members. There are a lot of medical booths, and it feels like they are really putting effort into it. (There was a HUNTER x HUNTER manga in the waiting room and I wanted to give it a 6 instead of a 5 lol) The unexplained pain in my right back, which was my original goal after seeing the deputy director, was resolved. The explanations are very thorough and easy to understand.Do I need cavities treatment myself? I thought that, but cleaning was enough. The dental hygienist who was in charge of the cleaning was also very bright, kind and personable.Is there anything else you would like to ask? Thank you for your consideration. Lastly, I would like to thank the director, who I passed by for a moment, and he greeted me properly and said, "Please take care of yourself." At first glance, I could see that the reservation management sheet was completely filled, so I guess it's a very popular clinic. I felt that💦 There are some people who gave us a ☆1 because the reception staff (on the phone) did not respond well (?). This was not the case at all, and I thought the receptionist's response was particularly friendly and very likable. Reviews are very important for my work, so I posted this in hopes of getting some support. Overall satisfaction is very high Recommended

  • グーグル太郎



    I went to the hospital for cavities treatment. I was a young male teacher. No pain at all, I'm satisfied I was given treatment.

  • はちみつれもん



    Deputy hospital director? I was surprised by his anesthesia skills. Up until now, I've never been good at anesthesia (like ointment) for anesthesia injections because they hurt, but I was impressed by how well she did it so I couldn't even tell when she was being anesthetized. Maybe he was considerate and polite because I had told him that I was not good at it, but... It seems like a dental clinic that specializes in implants, so they will immediately recommend expensive implants.

  • はるか



    I came here when I was looking for a new dentist. Everyone was very attentive and polite and made me feel at ease. He carefully listened to what my needs were.

  • 青空



    This is a very clean dental clinic. The last thing you want to do is receive treatment at a cost-conscious, filthy dental clinic where you are afraid of infection. There are also staff members who specialize in sterilization. I can feel the enthusiasm in the teacher's explanations. Unfortunately, I don't have any problems with cavities or anything like that, so I don't know how good or bad his skills are, but I definitely recommend him if you're looking for a dental clinic that takes thorough infection control measures.

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