Hiroomotechansusentanekonoashiato en Akita




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒010-0041 Akita, Hiroomote, Tsutsumishiki−19 マックスバリュ広面店正面入口左側
contactos teléfono: +81 18-832-9469
sitio web: takarakujichance.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.7307312, Longitude: 140.1466979

comentarios 5

  • 本間朝子



    In Akita, this is a lottery store that is famous for winning. It's a store where I feel like I'm going to win because I've received blessings from the nearby Taiheizan Miyoshi Shrine 😊

  • le m

    le m


    The staff at the store was kind, and when I saw that the year-end jumbo was on sale, I bought it. There were cat footprints, and you can tell by looking at them, but I was surprised to see that they really were cat footprints (lol)

  • 堀井晶



    I went to buy the last year-end jumbo lottery of the Heisei era on the last day (^o^)/ There were a lot of lines (^ー^) Billion Cedar is also growing (^-^)/ I went to buy jumbo for the first time in a while (^o^)/ The color of the signboard had changed (^-^)/

  • あみあみ



    The lottery shop is famous for its cat footprints😹Although it wasn't the sales period for the jumbo tickets and other large winning lotteries, there had been a steady stream of customers since the store opened.

  • ひの



    The people at the lottery counter are kind and helpful ♡ I was told that the signboard had recently been updated, perhaps to bring good luck, and that someone won 1 million yen in the lottery after replacing the signboard. The famous cat footprints are so cute.

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