Hirakata City Hospital en Hirakata

JapónHirakata City Hospital


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2-chōme-14-1 Kinyahonmachi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1197, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-847-2821
sitio web: hirakatacity-hp.osaka.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8203414, Longitude: 135.6580615

comentarios 5

  • K



    I gave birth to my child at the obstetrics and gynecology department. I was worried because the reviews for the obstetrics and gynecology department were quite low, but the female doctor who saw me from before I gave birth was very kind, and even while looking at the ultrasound, she said, ``You look so cute when you move your hands!'' He talked to me about things, explained the numbers in detail, listened kindly and gave advice when I was a little worried, and even took a test just to be sure if I was even slightly concerned about the numbers. So I was able to go to the hospital with peace of mind until I gave birth. Many of the midwives who took care of me after I gave birth were kind, and even when I was so anxious that I asked too many questions, they kindly explained to me. Please don't carry this on yourself!'', so I was able to leave the hospital with peace of mind. However, when I was having a hard time caring for my child for the first time after giving birth and couldn't sleep, she came to check on me every few hours and said, ``Please be kind to me while I'm at the hospital! I'll take care of your child if it gets too hard!'' There were some midwives who said to me, and others who only told me to do their best even when I called the nurse, and the response was quite different depending on the midwife, so I gave it 4 stars. I'm doing...

  • Henry Howard

    Henry Howard


    Dr. 三岡 is neither professional nor polite.

  • ほへたろう



    It was used for childbirth. When I was 7 months old, I went into premature labor, and they told me that it would be difficult for me to be hospitalized because I had an older child, so they gave me bed rest and medication. However, the medicine didn't work and my stomach became bloated, so I went to the hospital that night and ended up being admitted to the hospital. I was hospitalized for a month, but everyone was kind to me and the food was delicious, so I was very satisfied. Every day in the morning, the doctor makes his rounds, and when the time comes, a nurse comes to see me and talk to me a little, so it wasn't painful every day. At first I was in a large room, but I had to change rooms several times, and since I couldn't move from my bed, they took care of all my luggage and moved me to a private room, so I thought it was okay, but it was a bit of a hassle. That's what I thought. Lol, but I'm glad they gave me a private room with a shower for the same price. After I was discharged from the hospital once, I gave birth safely and was discharged from the hospital twice, but I wanted to say hello, but maybe they were busy, and no one was there, so I felt lonely, so I'm deducting stars. If I had to give birth one more day, I would come here again.

  • gaku



    Last November, I was hospitalized for knee replacement surgery. Dr. Nakagawa, the orthopedic surgeon and attending physician, is very He was a young and handsome teacher. Please explain in an easy-to-understand way to my anxiety. I was able to go ahead with the surgery. For post-surgery care, I often visited the hospital and was told that things were progressing well, which was encouraging and reassuring. I was able to spend my time in the hospital. Thank you very much. Later, I found out that he was a very skilled teacher. I feel blessed and can only be grateful. The physical therapist was a charming woman who answered my questions quickly and accurately, and she looked like she was in her 20s. I can't believe that you are studying so well. I'm impressed. I am working hard on my rehabilitation and getting better every day. I'm recovering. Thank you. 6 Nurses in the east ward speak to each other and manage medicines. In the aisles, each person is Facing a computer and doing what must be a demanding job Our daily efforts will benefit our patients. I felt that I was able to be close to them. On the day I was discharged from the hospital, the nurse carried my luggage to the taxi stand in short sleeves in the cold. thank you for helping me. The 20-year stay in the hospital was a valuable experience. I received it. Hirakata Hospital has wiped out its previous image. I think this is a hospital that I can recommend.

  • Kelly John Namura

    Kelly John Namura


    Even after making a a scheduled time to see the doctor still waiting time of almost 3 hours! What's the point of reservations at this hospital?

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