Himeji St.Mary's Hospital en Himeji

JapónHimeji St.Mary's Hospital


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650 Nibuno, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0801, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 79-265-5111
sitio web: www.himemaria.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8776785, Longitude: 134.7320741

comentarios 5

  • 和


    My husband dislocated and fractured his shoulder in January. At first, when I went to the emergency room at night, I was told that it was only for internal medicine, but the hospital gave me a sheet of paper with lots of writing on it and made phone calls. The orthopedic doctors everywhere have gone home, and finally Maria Hospital has an X-ray technician, so please come right away. He said. I had never experienced a dislocation, so I didn't know about it. The doctor says it's very painful to put it on, so he'll put you under anesthesia. They said. It was very quiet at night in the annex as I was being looked after in an emergency room🥺 It was already 12 o'clock in the morning, and it was tomorrow. I went to rehab every week, and I was also doing rehab at home. Thanks to you, I finished it last month. Thank you very much 😊

  • ルシオ



    I'm receiving treatment at an otorhinolaryngologist, but it's hit or miss (sweat) Dr. O is about an hour late when I arrive, but I wonder why. I'm just going to get medicine, so could you refer me to a nearby clinic? The waiting time for a 5 minute consultation is 2 hours, which is really funny... Also, accounting takes up a hell of a lot of time (lol) The good part...? Dr. S was very easy to understand. I don't understand Dr. H because he's my doctor, but I think he's better than Dr. O.

  • まるちゃん



    My father has always taken care of me. The teacher who took care of us was a very good teacher, and I think he was kind and considerate of us until the end. The nurses on the ward during my stay were also kind. Some of them were unfriendly, but I think it was because they were busy. Recently, the hospital cafeteria has disappeared, making it extremely inconvenient for patients waiting for long periods of time, such as waiting times for surgery. There is a convenience store, but the selection is small, so there were times when there was nothing. Convenience store clerks are very unfriendly. lol. The parking lot is not wide. It's difficult for cars to pull up to the place where you pay the toll, so it's a problem. . It's a big hospital, so I'm sure there are a lot of different opinions, but I've been hospitalized a few times and it wasn't too bad.

  • すずめ



    Thank you for your help in the gynecology department. Before I was admitted to the hospital for surgery, the nurses and doctor gave me sufficient explanations, and I no longer felt anxious. Compared to other large, well-known hospitals in the city, the waiting time was much shorter, and Maria had an atmosphere of ``I feel sorry for making patients wait.'' I went into a private room and the shower temperature was certainly not constant.

  • Mister Bean

    Mister Bean


    Please don't forget! In the name, there is name of a Saint. Don't turn down people looking for emergency rooms on weekend, please!

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