Himeji Bessho Post Office en Himeji

JapónHimeji Bessho Post Office



🕗 horarios

2001 Besshochō Bessho, Himeji, Hyogo 671-0221, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 79-252-5993
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8044511, Longitude: 134.7574064

comentarios 4

  • ああ(あさ)



  • さわこ



    You should say something like, ``It will take more than 10 minutes to respond to your request, or if you are going to be late, please take time to confirm.'' Although the customer service attitude was good, I missed the train, so I will leave it here.

  • 。まひろ



    I will never go there again. I sent it by regular mail, but there were no people waiting in line for the postal service, and as far as I could see, numbered machines were only available at financial institutions, so I had to wait in front of the postal counter. However, a slightly older man rudely told me, ``It's your turn.'' He left me alone. After that, a young man politely told me, ``Please use this machine to issue your ticket,'' and I was issued a ticket. Immediately after, he asked me, "Is it regular mail?" and I was able to complete the procedure immediately before my number was called. Since this is my first time visiting here, I think the rule may be that you have to take a number tag even for regular mail, but if that's the case, it would be helpful if you could also put a postal stamp on the machine. Also, the first guy was scary because he didn't look at me at all and his tone was a bit harsh. I think he didn't like the fact that he thought it was the same post office that I always go to, so he didn't issue a ticket and didn't stand in line. I thought it would have been nice if they had at least said something like, ``Please issue your ticket here.'' Sorry for the long post.

  • てるさん



    This is a post office with a homely atmosphere. All the staff members are kind and warm. Even when I didn't understand something, they were very thorough. Thank you. There is one ATM.

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