Himawari Dental Clinic in Sapporo

JapanHimawari Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒065-0023 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Higashi Ward, Kita 23 Jōhigashi, 8-chōme−4−8 北斗ビル
kontakte telefon: +81 11-733-7770
webseite: himawari-dental.info
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0925601, Longitude: 141.3620225

kommentare 5

  • 寒ブリ



    It's hard to find a dental clinic that suits you, but I finally found it here! I have been going to many dental clinics and then quitting for several decades. Clean your teeth regularly and feel refreshed!

  • kjkj gu

    kjkj gu


    I can't make a reservation at all. People say that dentists who can't make reservations are good, but they're not good at all. The woman's attitude is really bad. An intimidating attitude. If the job doesn't suit you, you should quit. The area where I rinsed my mouth was full of pink mold pieces from the person in front of me. It was nice to be shown to a seat, but I had to wait for 30 minutes and the treatment wasn't finished in time (naturally), so the next person came and the treatment was passed on to the next person. I can't even make a reservation. I think the teacher is very good.

  • かな



    Although we are a small dental clinic, we are open all the time. The teachers are very kind and helpful, but if you can't go on the scheduled day, there will be a long wait until you can see the next one, so please be careful.

  • vianca s

    vianca s


    I hate hospitals, but I try to go to the dentist as soon as possible. I've been to more than 10 dentists so far, but I've been going here for a long time since my old dentist. The dental assistants are kind and thorough in their explanations, and the dental assistants are also kind and thorough. There were a couple of times where I had my mouth cut off by the assistant's floss, but that was completely offset by the fact that the teachers and staff are courteous and skillful, and they are not profit-oriented and can be trusted.

  • 林知行



    Excellent doctor with fluent English!!! Highly Recommended locals and foreigners comes!

nächste Zahnarzt

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