Himalaya Curry Lalaport Tokyo-bay en Funabashi

JapónHimalaya Curry Lalaport Tokyo-bay



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒273-0012 Chiba, Funabashi, Hamachō, 2-chōme−1−1 ららぽーとTOKYO-BAY ハーバーグリル1F
contactos teléfono: +81 47-421-7633
sitio web: himalayacurry.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6862087, Longitude: 139.9900515

comentarios 5

  • mahesh r Bhat

    mahesh r Bhat


    Vegetable curry is horrible. And Choumin is okay

  • Pahlovee Mir

    Pahlovee Mir


    The best kebab you can find in Japan. ¥860 for kebab plate and it’s worth it. The volume of the kebab is huge. The taste is really good. This is my second time visiting here and both of the times the taste is unchanged. Tried their gappao rice as well. Delicious too.

  • Zubiya Siddiqui

    Zubiya Siddiqui


    If you are looking for halal food, do not go here. I read on halal gourmet japan that it is halal certified, but it is not. When we asked the restaurant staff, they mentioned that they are halal but not certified. When we asked further, they mentioned that their chicken is halal, but their mutton is not. Later we found out that they serve pork. There is no way that this restaurant is Muslim friendly let , as they would most probably be using the same utensils for everything - even if their chicken is halal as they say. We did not eat here. If you were looking to eat something in Lalaport, just get something from Lopia or get a drink from Starbucks.

  • Nora M Nor

    Nora M Nor


    Firstly, note that it opens at 11.00am and not 10. Quite a crowd on Weekends. Halal chicken available. Love the naan as it is light and crispy. Would have prefer a thicker keema curry but still tasty nonetheless. Kids menu available.

  • Shannon Jacobs

    Shannon Jacobs


    Last time was a couple of months ago, but I remember it as solid and tasty.

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