Hilton Tokyo Odaiba w Minato City

JaponiaHilton Tokyo Odaiba


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1-chōme-9-1 Daiba, Minato City, Tokyo 135-8625, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5500-5500
strona internetowej: www.hilton.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6264108, Longitude: 139.7706744

komentarze 5

  • revati omkar

    revati omkar


    We landed in Japan early in the morning and reached the hotel by 11:00am. The check in time being 3:00pm, we weren’t entertained at all and were rather asked to wait until 3:00pm. The most frustrating part was when we could evidently see other people from different countries getting rooms earlier and being prioritised over us. This is solely discriminatory. They should have at least considered the fact that we had traveled for more than 12 hours to get to their hotel. The room, its view is fantastic but such an approach is unacceptable.

  • Leon



    My recent stay at the Hilton Tokyo Odaiba was a deeply disappointing experience that fell far below the standards one expects from a five-star hotel, especially within the Hilton brand. Firstly, reaching customer service by phone from my room proved to be an ordeal, requiring a wait exceeding 15 minutes. This is an unacceptable delay for a hotel of this caliber. Service standards at the reception and guest services desk fall far below Japanese standards. Secondly, undisclosed fees were a significant source of frustration. Upon check-in, I discovered a hefty 3500 yen per person charge for pool access. Considering the unremarkable nature of the pool, such a fee is simply unreasonable for a Hilton property. Also, the only complimentary items provided were two small bottles of water (350ml each). Thirdly, the location of the limousine airport bus stop, situated directly next to a smoking area, demonstrates a critical oversight in planning. This creates an unpleasant and unnecessary inconvenience for guests. The only redeeming quality of the stay was the beautiful view from the room. However, the combination of long wait times, unexpected fees, inconvenient bus stop placement, and a general lack of amenities significantly detracted from the overall experience. This ranks among the worst five-star hotel experiences I've ever had.

  • Sam



    Warning - pool charge in addition to room. Booked this lovely 5 star hotel to be able to relax and use the pool on the last day of our trip. No obvious warning on the website. Arrived and were told there was a ¥3500 extra per person. To their credit the manager did wave this for us. Am a Hilton gold member and have never felt lest valued as a loyal customer that at this hotel. Rejected the request for an upgrade with a tone that said “why would we do that” Overall just poor service from the staff. Raised these issues with the team via email. They came back with a very half hearted response saying that these were the policies and told me what my “benefits” were as Hilton gold. Maybe a language barrier maybe just did not care. Stayed in plenty of other hotels in Japan with less stars with much better service.

  • H_ND



    Very disappointed with the customer service here. Not many of the staff members were friendly or supportive to the customers, especially the receptionist or front staff. We had paid a higher rate to get the service from the hotel. However, it didn't turn out as how the 5-star hotel was supposed to be. On the other hand, the housekeeping people did a good job of maintaining the room clean and tidy. Additionally, it is a good location for a nice view of Tokyo. That's all if you just only want a nice view, but not a service.

  • Adam Abrahamson

    Adam Abrahamson


    My only regret is staying here on Thursday night! This is not the hotels fault, so no stars removed, just something to keep in mind. Many of the restaurants in the hotel, as well as in the surrounding areas, are closed or close very early on Thursday. The hotel itself is absolutely amazing. This is the first Hilton that truly felt like a luxury experience. The ocean view rooms are amazing, allowing clear views of Rainbow Bridge and the Statue of Liberty replica. It also has great city views in the distance, without having any of the city noises. The Executive Club is nice and offers a good assortment of alcohol, beer, and snacks. The alcohol has limited serving time, but it is a free pour situation, so you can make it strong or weak. They also have multiple mixers for the drinks in the fridge below the bar, and the staff was very willing to answer my questions. One staff member saw me getting Bourbon/Whisky and kindly came up and let me know that they had a Japanese whisky (I couldn't read the bottle, so I didn't realize what it was) --- this made my night because that was what I actually wanted 😀 There are nice snacks in the lobby, too. Don't know if it is a daily thing, but when I was there it had multiple types of candy, in-house made Green Tea Carmel popcorn (I tried to buy some, but they didn't have it for sale......), as well as some free wine. The whole place is very well put together and extremely well maintained. There is nothing negative I can really say about this Hilton, and it ranks as one of the better ones I have stayed at. Great views and tons of places within walking distance. I do offer one word of caution: if you stay in the king executive, there is a big glass wall that views straight into the bathroom from the bed. It is literally the entire wall, so you see everything in the bathroom. If you don't want to watch your partner sitting on a toilet, you may want to get a different room setup. Now, if that's what you're into, this is the perfect room!

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