Hilton Nagoya i Nagoya

JapanHilton Nagoya


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1-chōme-3-3 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-212-1111
internet side: www.hilton.com
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Latitude: 35.167682, Longitude: 136.8945256

kommentar 5

  • jj walsh

    jj walsh


    Great full service hotel in central Nagoya with comfortable rooms, great gym & nice swimming lane, nice little sauna and bath as well as good buffet dining area with good natural light. As an eco-certified hotel it was disappointing to see single-use plastic bottles of water in the room as the tap water is good. Refill chilled water service only available in gym and bath area (should be on every floor with ice machine too). No information in hotel or room about it's sustainability measures - water efficiency, food loss and renewable energy use is unclear but if done could strengthen the brand. Staff friendly and multilingual. Easy 10 min taxi from/to shinkansen train station. Flexible check-in and check-out is nice added value. Not much available at restaurants & buffet for vegan customers, but at least a good selection of vegetables, fruits, cereals and breads without single-use plastics served. Not great view of surrounding concrete buildings from room, but comfortable and quiet.

  • Chad Smith

    Chad Smith


    Super friendly and helpful staff. Everyone spoke English as well. Rooms were really nice also. Location is convenient and near the subway station

  • Daniel Soto

    Daniel Soto


    I had stayed in multiple Hiltons around the world and I want to Recognize the costumer service. Specially Honoka-san in the front lobby. She went above and beyond to make sure we had a great stay. Definitely looking forward to stay there again! Hotel and location is great.

  • Katayoun



    Staff are very lovely and helpful. Breakfast is very diverse. Rooms are very comfortable, spacious and clean. Their restaurants and cafe offer good quality food. They made our stay in Nagoya memorable. Their Japanese restaurant was a great experience . The masseuse was great.

  • Lauren Marcus

    Lauren Marcus


    We've been in Japan for a couple weeks now. We've recently stayed at Courtyard by Marriott that is a couple blocks away. And we've stayed at Hilton Hiroshima. I prefer both of those properties to Hilton Nagoya. Hilton Nagoya is a bit dated. There are also strong perfumes/air fresheners on the Executive Lounge floor that is overwhelming. The service is great though.

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