Hill Top in Gamagori

JapanHill Top



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Minamiyama-1-14 Miyachō, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0021, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 533-69-8484
webseite: hilltop01.web.fc2.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8100721, Longitude: 137.2596926

kommentare 5

  • K Tahara

    K Tahara


    It's a place with a great view. I visited at dusk. The scenery changes color little by little as night falls. It seemed like a living thing, breathing and moving. It was truly a magic hour.

  • やきとり184



    It was early February. Kiwifruit was sold at the store.

  • sushi at saito

    sushi at saito


    High brand coffee ¥600 They start by grinding the beans, so they have a nice aroma. Especially the taste. The scenery is good. Perfect for a break after visiting a temple

  • polibukulo



    A coffee shop with a great view of the cityscape of Gamagori, including Takeshima. You can get a great view from the nearby observation deck. All drinks on the menu are 600 yen. I thought it was for a view, but the high blend coffee was delicious. The store is a long-established store with a long history, and some parts are a little chaotic. Also, although I didn't look in detail, there were various exhibits. There were also binoculars, although I didn't use them. The master is a talkative person and will teach you various things. They are also quite forgiving when it comes to taking photos.

  • Blueblue



    The scenery was spectacular, but the owner was talking non-stop, so I couldn't really enjoy it. I don't think I would recommend it to women alone, as they say things that can be considered to be a bit of harassment.

nächste Cafe

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