ひこさんホテル和 w Soeda



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

233-5 Hikosan, Soeda, Tagawa District, Fukuoka 824-0721, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 947-85-0121
strona internetowej: hikosan-nagomi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4911458, Longitude: 130.907979

komentarze 5

  • 沖村康成



    It's July 27th. It's been almost 4 months, but there hasn't been any announcement on the website. It's almost two months since May 18, 2020, and no announcement has been made regarding the outlook for business resumption. I'm concerned that it's closed. On December 11th, after walking through the fields and mountains around Mt. Hiko, I stopped by and took a bath. Perhaps because the building was being repainted, the bathroom, including the open air area, was covered in blue tarpaulin. The scenery you can see while bathing is also worth it here, so I think it's polite to at least notify the hotel at the front desk. I'm not saying you should get a discount. There were unusually many customers, but most of them seemed to think that this was not a hot spring, but rather a hot water bath. I think it would be better to better promote the fact that it is a "natural hot spring". It's only a drop-in bath, but I go there occasionally. I think it's a nice hot spring, small and clean. The number of bathers will increase somewhat during the upcoming autumn leaves and mountain climbing season, but it is usually reserved for private use and you can enjoy a relaxing soak. The open air that used to boil natural water (which was good) now looks like hot spring water since Rhododendron House has disappeared. It's also nice to walk in and watch the birds play among the trees. In the upcoming season, from the Bessho parking lot where you can always park, you can enjoy the autumn leaves on the mountain path and visit Hikosan Jingu via Shugendokan, work up a little sweat, and then soak in the Japanese hot springs to wash away your sweat. Wouldn't it be nice to wash away your tiredness and go home?

  • Naruto Abe

    Naruto Abe


    I used it as a stopover after climbing a mountain. Front desk staff is unfriendly and instructions on how to use the bathroom are inadequate. Some of the lockers, washing areas, and baths are out of order and cannot be used. The quality of the spring water was also boasted on the website, but it was colorless and odorless, so I couldn't really feel it. Other than parking and lodging, you will be sent to a far away location. Even though it's empty in front of the entrance. There are certain times, but bathing only takes place from 11:00 to 16:00, so I thought that unless you were staying for a long time, you wouldn't be able to take a bath. It is conveniently located after climbing Mt. Hiko.

  • 眞香



    Hikosan Hotel Wa ♨️ The room was clean and I had a very relaxing stay! In the evening, I was able to see deer from the balcony of my room! You may be surprised by the very loud meowing sound, but don't worry, deer are quiet (lol) The food was also delicious! You can take a relaxing bath in the hot spring ♨️, and it's good because it's close to your room.

  • fujio matsumoto

    fujio matsumoto


    〇The view is so good that it feels like a hotel in the sky, and you can see the peaks of the mountains in the distance below. When I look up at the sky, the clouds are so close that I can sweep them away with a broom. Just like the clouds you experience at Mt. Kuju 〇The bath was simple but well maintained, and the best part was listening to the sounds of insects. An open-air bath that you can't experience anywhere else. 〇The food was also satisfactory for the price. The maples were green this time, but I want to go again during the autumn leaves season.

  • Sat Ave

    Sat Ave


    There is a restaurant, and I had a Shokado bento for lunch for 1,550 yen. The fried yamame trout came out warm and was delicious. On weekdays, there was also a set meal and hot spring bath. The view from the restaurant was also good. The season of autumn leaves looks especially nice. Next time I would like to take care of you after climbing.

najbliższy Kwatera

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