Hikinoshinsenichiba en Fukuyama




🕗 horarios

4-chōme-9-30 Hikinochō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-0942, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 84-959-2136
sitio web: every.kagoyacloud.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4919039, Longitude: 133.4087527

comentarios 5

  • すすはらい



    Go shopping 30 minutes before closing. I happen to purchase a product that earns me points. When paying the bill, the three employees were not very responsive. It's a store I don't use very often, so I don't know what the system is, which is bad. I can see that this product will add points. But what about the employees here? ! Is that so? Such a response. I checked the advertisement. Furthermore, even though I didn't know how to do this, the employee told me, ``You have to make a reservation in advance using the app.'' We don't have much time and there are customers waiting, so when I say, ``You don't have to,'' one of the three employees says, ``There are customers in line.'' "Okay! Please come over here!" the employee says with an annoyed look on his face. That's why I'm saying you really don't have to do it. It's as if this is the wrong thing to do. If you can't respond in a pleasant way, then don't do it. I was surprised by the one-sided, high-pressure response that didn't listen to what others had to say! This is where I feel bad.

  • pon



    Most of the employees are kind, so this is an indispensable store for me. When I go to the store when it opens, there is often a short line, but there is always an elderly man who waits in the cart area instead of waiting in line and then takes advantage of the opportunity to hit the store with his cart. It's tall and scary. I want you to do something about it. Due to the security that will be deployed at the end of the year, there is only one entrance, and pedestrians who pass by randomly are given priority, and even though there are many empty parking lots, they check each vacant space and are forced to enter the designated parking lot, so the road is blocked. There are a lot of cars waiting to enter the store, making it even more dangerous.

  • ヒロヒロ



    There is no bakery attached here, but the fish store is larger and has a better selection than Everywhere else.

  • ぽんぽこだるま



    I was sick and couldn't eat the skin of chicken, so I asked the woman if there was any chicken without the skin, and she told me that I could find it at Hallows or Odani if ​​I wanted it without the skin. I was a little disappointed since I use Every every day. That was a few years ago.

  • s. aki

    s. aki


    Although the store is a bit dimly lit, there are quite a lot of products inside, and they are reasonably priced. The fish was also fresh. The side dish corner was a little small, and there were no particularly unusual side dishes. There wasn't anything appealing about the meat this time, but the domestic and foreign meats were separated, so it was easy to see. There were quite a variety of eggs available, and the prices were low. It seems to be popular, so it was difficult to find discounted items.

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