Hikarimachishonishika Kyosei Dental Clinic i Hiroshima

JapanHikarimachishonishika Kyosei Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-4-22 Hikarimachi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-506-2270
internet side: www.syouni-kyousei.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.402272, Longitude: 132.4796321

kommentar 5

  • 佐々木



    The waiting time is a little long, but the children don't mind coming.

  • 幸成



    My child broke his tooth, but thanks to the patient care, he was able to recover safely. I've been to many different hospitals, but this one is wonderful.

  • mao. N

    mao. N


    When I called, I felt uncomfortable with the receptionist's lackluster manner of speaking and the arrogant atmosphere. and, During the examination, the female dentist spoke in a way that seemed to look down on the patient, and I was convinced that this is why the staff were answering the phone. I chose another clinic because there are many good quality dentists.

  • yu kn

    yu kn


    I had to wait over 30 minutes even though I had a reservation. There were several points that contradicted the treatment, so I asked a second opinion to look at it, and the answer was completely different. I can recommend it if you want to get rid of it with a lot of different treatments, but don't do unnecessary treatments, and if your child's resilience seems to be able to cure it, then watch the situation and treat only the teeth that need treatment right away. I cannot recommend it to anyone who wants to. When I was waiting in the waiting room, there was always a child crying, and I was wondering if it was really a pediatric dentist? I would think.




    During orthodontic treatment, we teach you things to be careful about until your permanent teeth come in properly. Although orthodontics is expensive, I believe that straight teeth are important. About 5 minutes walk from Hiroshima Station. There is also a parking lot for 5 cars.

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