HIKARI HOME i Minato-ku




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒106-0045 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Azabujūban, 1 Chome−3, 麻布十番1丁目3−11
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6893-7755
internet side: www.hikarihome.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6568316, Longitude: 139.7355118

kommentar 5

  • Ji Sun Kim

    Ji Sun Kim


    I could find an ideal house thansk to him. I am willing to work with him again later. Even though it takes more than 2 weeks for looking for a house, he did not chase me at all. Thank you very much for your support.

  • en

    Susie Hill


    This is our second time using Kaz to find an apartment - he always listens to what we want, and follows up to get results. He also speaks perfect English. I would recommend him.

  • en



    Harada San who helped us get an apartment through Hikari Home was a great help. He is precise, to the point and understood our requirement well. We got the place very fast. Since his English skills are great we had no problem understanding the terms and conditions of the contract. I highly recommend him!

  • en

    Chris Scherer


    This is the second time I worked with Kaz to find my new place. He is a fast, efficient and result oriented. He always follows up and makes sure you get the place you are looking for while being transparent and honest throughout the process. I highly recommend him.

  • en

    Marco Fritsch


    Great Real Estate Agent, fast and efficient, totally understands the need of customer. Would anytime recommend and use the agent again. Especially as a foreigner with less Japanese, the Agent was really helpful with the communication.

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