Hikari Dental Clinic i Sendai

JapanHikari Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

14-22 Shiheimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0944, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-234-0033
internet side: hikari-dental.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.2773568, Longitude: 140.8476568

kommentar 5

  • tadashun



    It was easy and helpful to be able to make a reservation online. We were also able to contact you via email to adjust the schedule after making your reservation. There are about 5 parking spaces in front of the building. The examination was smooth and helpful.

  • 秋憂



    I definitely recommend this place.The staff are all kind and skilled. The director is also serious and good at treatment. It's very different from the nearby Saito Dental Clinic.

  • 黒木伊久美



    I have a male teacher and a female teacher. I am grateful that all the doctors are good at treating me and are quick. The reception staff always greet you with a smile, so you can rest assured. The inside of the building is also beautiful ✨ He is a recommended dentist! Reservations are often booked up to 2 weeks in advance, so if it's your first time, it might be a good idea to call and estimate 2 weeks in advance.

  • arie pujiwati

    arie pujiwati


    It has many criteria of desirable clinic; nice and indulgent staffs, kind doctor, comfort and clean clinic, thorough and precise examination, and child-friendly clinic. Visiting Hikari dental clinic is one of my children's favorite activities.

  • TSELMUUN Chinzorig

    TSELMUUN Chinzorig


    Its the closest dentist to Tohoku University House, they speak a little in English 👍

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