HIヒロセ飛田店生鮮ディスカウント市場 in Kumamoto




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒861-5514 Kumamoto, Kita Ward, Hida, 3-chōme−8−45 生鮮ディスカウント市場
kontakte telefon: +81 96-346-2450
webseite: www.hihirose.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8525918, Longitude: 130.7182275

kommentare 5

  • 竹森道幸



    I go there to buy fresh flowers and groceries.There are some items that are only available here, and there is also a hardware store next door, so I often visit there as well.

  • まえだりょうこ



    There were some rare items. Mandarin oranges🍊100% juice. Four concentrated mandarin oranges!! ️🤣 It was extremely effective for my tired body!! ️

  • ダンちゃん



    I went around noon, and the fried foods and other side dishes were delicious. The register was a little crowded and I had to wait in line for about 5 minutes to pay. I felt that the prices were a little high overall except for service items.

  • Yukiko Nakamura

    Yukiko Nakamura


    I came here to buy meat for Yakiniku! You can get delicious, domestically produced meat at a low price. It was juicy and delicious. There was a lot of sashimi for around 1000 yen. The sashimi here is fresh and delicious (^^)

  • global traveler

    global traveler


    Days marked with a 7 are recommended as various foods, including vegetables, are cheaper. In addition to food, they also have flowers and lumber, so they are easy to use.

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