Higashi-Dogo Sora to Mori Onsen w Matsuyama

JaponiaHigashi-Dogo Sora to Mori Onsen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-1 Minamikumemachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0924, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 89-970-1026
strona internetowej: www.soratomori.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8185581, Longitude: 132.8049492

komentarze 5

  • Rhena Yap

    Rhena Yap


    Our overall experience was truly amazing. We love everything. The interior of the building, nature, and atmosphere of this onsen—everything was so good. The food was also delicious. The best part here was that this whole experience was very relaxing and refreshing. The only thing I didn't want about this was that there were no charging outlets. Anyway, I would still rate 5⭐. We plan to return here for yet another enjoyable day of relaxation.

  • Lester Low

    Lester Low


    Resort style day spa and onsen bath house in the hills. Feels special and relaxing entering the lobby. Great baths and hot beds.

  • Pedro Cardoso

    Pedro Cardoso


    A very nice Onsen and Spa to relax away from the busy life. Very good infrastructure and has also been recently renovated Large amount of hot springs options, inside and outside and a big room to relax with comfortable chairs.

  • Michael Nguyen

    Michael Nguyen


    Every time I'm here, it feels as if time is distorted. The wide variety of baths and relaxation options, not to mention the delicious food and craft beer, will make you never want to leave. Lay down on one of the beds, submit to the soft relaxation music, and feel your aches, woes, and brain melt away.

  • Ana Fuyuki

    Ana Fuyuki


    Sora to Mori (translates to Sky and Forest) is both an onsen (hot spring) hotel and a "spa" facility that's open to the public. The public baths get quite busy in the evenings but are much quieter in the morning. If staying at the hotel, would recommend enjoying your private onsen in the evening and checking out the public baths (with outdoor and indoor baths) in the morning before breakfast. Rooms are lovely but do require a bit of touch up. Since the private onsen is open, it is sometimes prone to insects flying in, but we didn't see any this time.

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