和食 ć»ć‚ŠćŸ w Nagasaki

Japonia和食 ć»ć‚ŠćŸ



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒850-0855 Nagasaki, Higashifurukawamachi, 4āˆ’ļ¼“ 高ē”°ćƒ“ćƒ« ļ¼‘階
kontakt telefon: +81 95-893-8988
strona internetowej: www.wasyoku-horita.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 32.7457644, Longitude: 129.8800542

komentarze 5

  • ćÆ悋恋



    This is a restaurant where you can enjoy delicious food no matter when you go! If you want to eat Japanese food in Nagasaki, definitely go here! All of the dishes served at Omakase are delicious, beautiful to look at, and each one is carefully prepared! I was excited to see what would come next! The store is also a space where you can relax and have a relaxing atmosphere.

  • mariko kamiyama

    mariko kamiyama


    This is a store I've been curious about for a long time. It was used by 4 women. I made a reservation at the same time as the opening, The moment I entered the store from the cold outside. The inside of the store is kept warm. I am naturally filled with smiles. Carefully one by one And we had a beautiful meal. This is a 3500 yen lunch course. Please give me another cup of tea. Please always take care before Conversation never stops, We enjoyed delicious food and conversation.

  • Mcdonald Mark

    Mcdonald Mark


    This is a good restaurant that will make you feel satisfied and happy after your meal. The meal has three courses, and the number of items remains the same, divided by the quality of the ingredients. We recommend the 7000 yen course. It was 20,000 yen for two people to have a light drink. The cost performance is good considering the quality of the ingredients and the satisfaction of the quality of the food. I think it's one of the most reasonably priced restaurants among the restaurants that have earned one Michelin star. The food was served over two hours depending on the progress of the meal, which was just the right pace for me to enjoy it while drinking, so I was very satisfied.

  • 恋恷悊



    I used it on a recent trip. The dishes are mainly seafood and are all delicious and refreshing. The host and the female staff were very nice and responded politely even when I contacted them that I would be late for my reservation time. This is a restaurant that I would definitely like to visit again when I go to Nagasaki.

  • 悁悋ćÆ恰ćŖć¾ć™ć¦



    I discovered the 1-star Japanese restaurant Horita from the Michelin Guide. We visited Nagasaki for dinner. The store is located in the downtown area of ā€‹ā€‹Nagasaki. If you go by car, there is a coin parking nearby, but the tram station is also nearby, so access is good. The inside of the store is shiny and very clean, as if it has been renovated. It has a nice interior with a calm woodgrain finish. It seems that the number of seats has been significantly reduced as a preventive measure against infectious diseases. Tables are arranged along the walls of the store, so there is no crowding at all, so you can feel very safe. Even though they could have increased sales by placing more seats, I think they deliberately reduced the number of seats for the safety and security of their customers. I was moved to tears by the kindness of the owner. Choose from three dishes: 3,800 yen, 5,800 yen, and 7,000 yen. This time I ordered the middle one. ā– Omakase 5,800 yen (Consumption tax and 10% service charge not included) āš«Kumoko (cod milt) It looks like a cloud, so it's called Kumoko. No odor. Delicious. āš« Karasumi mochi soup A soup made with homemade karasumi stuck to a rice cake baked in congari. To put it simply, it's an extremely delicious zoni. Please note that the Karasumi is homemade and takes a lot of time and effort. āš«Sashimi Natural yellowtail, marlin tuna, and sole from Goto. Swordfish tuna is not only fatty, but also very flavorful and quite delicious. Flounder with ponzu sauce. āš« Tsushima conger eel wrapped in burdock, radish, mizuna āš«Ichibo Saikyo-yaki, Shimonita green onion āš«Fried monkfish Fluffy white flesh. The rough part? It had a strong flavor. āš«Mackerel sushi, red sea lettuce soup āš«Dessert Black bean warabi mochi cooked over 3 days, strawberries When you read the owner's blog, you can clearly see his sincere attitude towards cooking. Also, even though it has one Michelin star, the prices are very reasonable compared to other restaurants. This makes me feel sorry again. Delicious ingredients from Nagasaki are carefully prepared by the owner to create delicious Japanese cuisine. I felt very happy. It was a feast.

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