横浜家系ラーメン 麺匠家 西伊場店 w Hamamatsu

Japonia横浜家系ラーメン 麺匠家 西伊場店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

64-25 Nishiibachō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8038, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-455-5666
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7008878, Longitude: 137.7012345

komentarze 5

  • てらだけい



    First, I bought a meal ticket from a vending machine and was shown to my seat. I felt very well treated and felt good. I ordered Dandan noodles (seasonal only). The noodles were thick and coated well with the soup, giving it a slightly spicy taste. However, I ended up drinking all the soup. It was delicious.

  • kt.



    I visited again for the first time in a while. It was great customer service. The taste didn't change, but it was delicious. Thank you for the meal. I like Iekei Ramen and have been here several times. The part-time worker serves customers normally, but the service of the young and thin old man is shocking. Don't say hello, leave it to your part-time job? He has an arrogant attitude and talks a lot about himself, so I hope the owner will give him some guidance next time. If that person is there, I won't feel like going. I want to eat to feel good




    It's located at the south end of Orange Street. The appearance of the restaurant is typical of a capital family ramen restaurant. The name of the shop is written in a calligraphy style font on the red signboard, proclaiming that it is Yokohama Iekei Ramen. I didn't know about the Noodle Master family until yesterday. I learned that it was a group company from the sign of Takuya, a fried chicken restaurant that I ate at last night, and it was close to my hotel, so I came here tonight. Ordering is done using a ticket machine. Entry is at 6:05pm, and apparently a small bowl of rice is free until 6pm. However, ramen rice is the most fattening food and dangerous. I ordered it when I was told it was free, so it was actually a good thing. Ramen starts at 800 yen, but the special ramen costs 1040 yen plus a large serving of 100 yen. The special comes with increased amounts of seaweed, flavored eggs, and chashu. I bought it with cash, but later realized that I could also order it with PayPay. When handing over your meal ticket, it is a common practice at Iekei Ramen to tell the ramen your preference for firmness, thickness, and fat. However, the "rolling" mechanism used to drink the soup is typical of Konshinka, and the raw onions are reminiscent of Machida Shoten. At best, it seems like a cherry-picking strategy. I ordered it with a light taste and it was made properly. This is something that seems possible but is difficult to do. I thought the red seasoning was bean sauce, but it wasn't. It looked like gochijang, but it was different. It was a spicy seasoning with a slightly salty flavor. I thought that if you have a preference, you should insist on it. The flavor is light, so you can absorb the strong saltiness of the flavored egg. The chashu was so soft that it melted when I turned it upside down. I added garlic, red spiciness, ginger, and raw onions, changing the taste as I continued eating, and by the time I ran out of noodles, I had almost rolled them all up. I decided to take home a stamp card as a commemorative gift.

  • Dheeraj Negi

    Dheeraj Negi


    The ramen was fine. I was expecting more out of it. I thought that the soup lacked flavor. The Chashu wasn't great either. I would like to try this place again so that I can change my opinion.

  • Ricky Tsang

    Ricky Tsang


    Warm and nice young waiters. Very good taste of Japanese style ramen.

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