ヘブンズキッチン ひがしのたまご w Itami

Japoniaヘブンズキッチン ひがしのたまご



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-8 Mizuhochō, Itami, Hyogo 664-0013, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-782-6006
strona internetowej: www.heavenskitchen-pasta.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7924266, Longitude: 135.4009109

komentarze 5

  • w k

    w k


    There was no affiliated restaurant nearby, so I went to eat there. It still tastes good. I will continue to visit from time to time. (゚д゚) Yummy

  • よしおよしお



    I happened to stop by a pasta and pizza shop. Since I came to the store alone, I had some free time and was wearing earphones. I didn't expect to be asked about the type of pasta when ordering, and whether I would like cheese when served, so I asked again. sorry! Despite this, the male clerk politely asked me again without making a disgusted face. That's excellent! ️ If it were me, I might get irritated and show it on my face. It took a while for the pasta to come out, but I didn't mind because it's natural for it to take time to make something delicious. (It's scary because I don't know what the food restaurants that come out these days are using) Both the pasta and bread were delicious. I think I want to go again. Of course I'll take off my earphones...

  • March 五月

    March 五月


    We had a pair lunch for 3 people, which can be ordered by 2 or more people.We visited by car around 2:00 pm.Choose a course of 2 fresh pastas and pizza.The fresh pastas were shrimp with head, scallops, and tomato pasta with clams. I ordered fettuccine and cream pasta with mentaiko and shrimp with linguine.For pizza, I chose prosciutto, arugula, and soft-boiled egg Bismarck. Of course the pasta was delicious, but the pizza baked in the pizza oven was also really delicious! Both dishes are prepared with as much time as possible in mind, so we recommend eating as soon as you are served at your seat! In fact, there is a note from the restaurant on the edge of the seat asking for a selfish request. It said that as soon as the fresh pasta is served, I want you to try at least one bite.When the pasta is served, I would recommend that you put aside the pictures and chatter and eat at least one bite first. The pair lunch is a course, with salad (unusual with delicious dressing), then soup (light and delicious like espuma), then fresh pasta, pizza, and after the meal, you can choose dolce from the showcase.There are also several soft drinks. You can choose from seeds and the coffee (beautifully covered in foam) was also delicious. The customer service is very polite, the restrooms are clean, there are about 10 parking spaces at the back entrance of the store, and you can use PayPay for electronic money. Best of all, there are no breaks during business hours, so you can eat at any time, which is very valuable! It was also well received by the family I went with.

  • 近藤晴彦



    Not too bad👍🏻

  • kaz U

    kaz U


    I was able to have lunch. I ordered a pair lunch set for ¥3,300. I didn't have pizza dough, so I ordered pasta, and this pasta was very good. . . The fresh pasta noodles are chewy and the meal progresses. I would definitely like to repeat it, thank you.

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